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Perfectly Wrong | S.M
Chapter: Thirteen

I walk into the kitchen and join everyone for family breakfast. Today is the day of the photoshoot. "Have you got your matching pyjamas Lay?" My mom asks.

"Yeah they are in my bag" I answer. I grab a banana and pour myself a glass of orange juice, i sit at the table with my mom, Dylan and Brandon.

"When does your movie start shooting?" Mom asks Brandon.

He swallows the food in his mouth. "Just after Christmas, so I'll be leaving on the 21st to spend Christmas with my family" He answers. I feel disappointed that Brandon isn't staying with us for Christmas but i understand that he needs to be with his own family.

I finish eating my banana well everyone at the table continues to chat. My mind wonders to the photoshoot for the card, i still haven't told Brandon that Shawn will be there, but he's meeting me afterwards because he understands that it's a family one so he isn't offended that he's not in there. I need to tell him about New York this week, i begin to feel really anxious at the thought that anyone could drop me in it at any moment.

I put my banana in the bin. "So what will you be doing today?" I ask Brandon.

He puts his dishes in the dishwasher. "My friends live not that far from here so I'm going to see them" He tells me. I didn't know he had any friends around here, what if it's another girl? I'm just being paranoid.

I turn around and look at him. "Which friends?" I question i don't mean to come off as if I'm accusing him of lying, but he has never said he has friends who live close to here.

"I'm going to put Dylan in the car, I'll meet you outside" My mom tells me while picking Dylan up, "Have a lovely day Brandon" She smiles.

He waves goodbye to Dylan. "You too Katie" He says. I stare at him waiting for him to answer my question. "Chill I'm just going to hangout with Josh" He tells me putting his hands up in defence.

I nod my head and walk over to him. "I need to go" I frown. I hate leaving him i like having him around, he's almost like my comfort blanket.

He leans down and kisses me. I hug him goodbye and begin to walk away. "I love you" He tells me. I smile at the thought that he really does love me. I say it back and head over to him and hug him again.

I start to walk away again. "See you later" I smile

He clears his throat. "Try your best to stay away from Shawn today please" He mutters. I stop in my tracks, this is what i was always afraid of.

I turn around. "I'm so sorry i should have told you, i just didn't want to upset you" I explain myself. There's no justifying me lying to him i shouldn't of lied about it.

He shakes his head. "Just try not to cheat on me again" He spits. What? I never cheated on him, are we still on this.

"I never cheated on you and you know that, it was one kiss and we weren't even together so stop throwing that in my face" I complain. Before he can even say anything i walk out and get in the car.

Most of the car ride my mom talks a lot about Brandon, i feel as though she can sense that we just had an argument. "So do you miss hanging around with Shawn, he's been back a while and you've barely hung out with him" I wish she'd let this go.

"Of course i miss hanging out with him, but we couldn't just bounce back and be how we used to be. He left me mom" I explain. I know she will defend him, she loves him.

She goes on about how me and Shawn are made for each other and although she likes Brandon she knows that me and Shawn will end up together. Will we? Do i even want to end up with Shawn? There's no doubt that i love Shawn, i just feel like that will eventually fade away and i won't feel anything towards him soon.

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