Pt I Nightmares

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A/ N Header photo by @ onlyou718 on instagram

"Step into the light of Prime"

cast out the shadows

cast out the shadows

cast out the shadows

cast out the shadows

cast out the shadows

"Come on little sister, it's nothing to be afraid of"

all beings must suffer to become pure

all beings must suffer to become pure

all beings must suffer to become pure

all beings must suffer to become pure

all beings must suffer to become pure

Lord Prime comes closer, his steps echoing in the large room, the sound of his booming voice amplified by the hundreds of clones chanting in the background.

"Ah little sister, did you not expect consequences?" He says, as he walks past her. His claw like fingers grabbing hold of her hair and chopping it short with one swipe.

She gasps at the sudden coldness on her bare neck.
Suddenly two clones run from the back of the room, holding her down  and restraining her, her face facing the floor. She panics and trashes around, but the clones are strong. And she stays put.
Another clone comes and pushes something cold and hard into her bare neck.

She screams and thrashes in pain. Horde Prime pulls her up from the floor, her red mask falling off in the process.
It was the only familiar thing that remained of her outfit, since Prime had forced her to change into pristine white and grey horde attire.

She starts to cry. It's getting too much. Why can't they just kill her already? She can't stand the suffering anymore.
Prime holds her in his grasp, not letting go no matter how much she tries to escape.

Then he throws her. For a split second she thinks he's letting her go, but then she lands in the pool of green liquid.
The pain is immediate and intense, like nothing she's ever felt before.
She screams as her body contorts and the liquid burns into her skin.

"ADORA" she yells, hoping her love will come for her but knowing that she won't and if she does she'll be too late.

Catra stands there, sobbing, screaming for for someone who cares nothing for her until the pain is too unbearable and she sinks into the green pool.
"ADORA" Catra yells, panting and sweating, in a panic that it's happening again. But when she looks around, she finds herself in Brightmoon, in Adoras room; Adoras arms loosely slung around her, exactly like it has been for the past year.

Adora is already awake, Catras yelling must have been loud.
When she realizes that Catra is awake she tightens her embrace and kisses her on the cheek.
"You ok babe?" She asks.
"Nightmare again, Huh?"
"Yeah it's always nightmares, but it's always good again when I wake up and see you."
"Really?" The blonde replies.

"Yes really, it's embarrassing that you don't know that already, because I tell you every time." The brunette retorts, the corner of her mouth shifting upwards into a sly smile.
"Well, I am a dummy aren't I?" Adora says, leaning over Catra.
"Yeah, you're my dummy though." Catra says, closing the gap between them.

The kiss is short and sweet and as they both lean in for a second one Glimmer teleports straight into the room.
"Ugh you guys!"

"Well, you wouldn't have to watch it you would knock for once instead of just appearing." Adora replies and promptly stands up. Catra sighs and moves herself into a sitting position.
"What do you want sparkles?"
"I was just coming to tell you guys that Entrapta and the other engineers finished the upgrades and repairs on Darla, so technically we can go whenever we want."

With 'go' Glimmer meant the field trip around the universe to restore magic and make sure Prime is truly gone.
"Really??" Adora says excitedly, she's been waiting for this day for almost a year now.

"Yeah, we can, but not quite yet, because I was thinking we should have a goodbye party first. Entrapta wants to give us the tour in about half an hour, so be ready. Yeah?"
Adora immediately springs into action, running into ten bathroom then the closet and then emerges fully dressed and ready in under a minute.
"You forgot to shower, Adora" Catra says, still sitting on the bed.
"You haven't showered yet either and if it gets you up you can always join me, you know." Adora replies, a smile playing on her lips.

Glimmer takes this as her que to go and promptly teleports out of the room.
"See you in half an hour."

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