Chapter 2

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Jimin sat on the side walk and felt the after shock of Jungkook's words rattle him. Jeon Jungkook was filthy rich and that was pointing out the obvious but he was also known to have a dark reputation. Jimin remembers seeing stories on the news about his employees disappearing and law suits being buried every other year. No one associated with Jungkook, he was so reserved it made the media furious. They became savages when a source provided them with any little piece of information on him. Any sighting of him made headlines for weeks and pictures of him circulated through social media as the hottest trend in Korea.
Jimin, did not care.

He really didn't, of course he knew of him and he couldn't deny that Jungkook's fame was interesting but he didn't know that the man siting in his coffee shop every week was him and that's not why he approached him. Jimin wanted to know about the bruises and cuts on his pretty face.

Jimin flinched.
"Shit" he cursed at himself.
So maybe he had a crush on the guy despite not knowing a thing about him but he couldn't help it. Jimin was currently stuck in a viscous cycle of working his ass off to pay his rent and make it through the month. The rest of the time he was sleeping the soreness away or hanging out with his best friends.
Jimin pulled out his phone and called Hoseok.
The phone rang for a couple of seconds until he heard the cheeriness of his best friends voice greeting him.

"Baby!" Hoseok said loudly.
Jimin smiled with his teeth and pulled the phone away from his ear.
"Hi, hyung how are you" he asked sweetly as he walked back into the coffee shop.
Hoseok was his motivator when he was feeling particularly down on days like this. It was when rude costumers made him cry or when he was stressed out about money that Hoseok immediately bounced every which way to make him laugh.

"I'm great baby, how are you" he asked.
Jimin noticed there was no sound in the background of Hoseok's audio.
"You know hyung, I'm at work dealing with mean people as always where are you" he said.

"Mean people!" Hoseok said as if he had been personally offended.
Jimin giggled, he loved the way Hoseok was so melodramatic when it came to him.
"Who was mean to you jimin, I'll strangle them with my bare hands!" He said exaggerating his voice so it sounded more comical than threatening. Jimin took off his apron and laid it over the counter, he smirked knowing that the threat would backfire after he told him who it was.

"It was Jeon Jungkook hobi hyung!" He said pouting. He made sure his voice was squeaky and sad so that Hoseok melted from the cuteness.

"I tried to introduce myself to him and he called me a pesky little thing and then I tried to give him his coffee and he cornered me and told me to leave him alone! It was so scary hyung!" He said whining. This will get him, Jimin thought. He couldn't wait to hear Hoseok try and protect him from some walking fantasy. Jungkook was no where near touchable and Hobi knew that.

Hoseok went silent.
He looked into the brown eyes across from him, and he sighed. Jungkook crossed his arms and clenched his jaw, challenging Hoseok to go on with his previous threats having heard him on the phone.

Hoseok hesitated as he broke eye contact with his boss and stared out the window submissively. His collar was starting to itch and he pulled on it nervously.

"Well, ah you know you shouldn't introduce yourself to strangers baby, people don't like to be as ..." Hoseok's voice trailed off as Jungkook glared at him. He was worried about saying the wrong things and offending the other, "as friendly as you are" he said finally.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and pulled himself out of their conversation by unlocking his phone. Hoseok nearly banged his head against the window at his stupid choice of words.

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