Infant! Husk | Strange. | x reader | Fluff |

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(Art by RazziFur on Deviant)

Little back ground: Husk got turned a baby somehow, but now you have to care for him.

n e ways, story time:


Husk POV:

I was woken up by [Y/N] shaking my body, I looked up at them with a glare because I was sure whatever they wanted could've waited. I yawned and stretched out my limbs only to notice my legs didn't touch the ground.

I looked down and saw short stubby legs instead of my normal ones, I reached back to touch my wings and realized they were smaller. I frantically looked at my body only to notice everything was smaller.

This was really strange but then all of a sudden my body was being lifted off the couch, [Y/N] picked me up. I tried to talk but all that came out was gibberish. "Aweee! So adorable!" [Y/N] gushed, I rolled my eyes at them. How could they think I'm adorable when I don't even know what happened to me.

They held me in their arms which was quite comfortable but still I want to know how I became a baby. Maybe Alastor did it as a joke? Or Baxter, those are the two suspects for now.

Your POV:

I had woken up my boyfriend only to see that he somehow had became a baby, which to me was quite adorable. I'm going to have to keep him away from the booze until this wears off that's for sure. He yawned and stretched out his tiny arms and I felt my heart throb. He's so cuteeeeeeee.

I picked him up and then I heard him try to speak but it came out as baby gibberish. I was practically gushing over him, I mean who wouldn't if their boyfriend turned into a baby. I held him in my arms and I heard soft snoring which meant he fell asleep. I stroked his cheek softly and smiled down at him.

This was going to be fun, I can't wait until he wakes up. Honestly I hope it doesn't wear off for a little while. Yes I thought it was strange at first but now I'm absolutely loving it.

"Sweet Dreams." I said before also drifting off to sleep with Husk in my arms.

When we woke up I realized Husk stunk. The reason he stunk was the smell of booze from when he was previously and adult. I sighed and grabbed him and took him to the bathroom. "Geez, Husk how many bottles did you have earlier." I said and plugged my nose. He rolled his eyes at me. I just sighed and set him down so I can warm up the water.

When I got it to a good temperature I stuck him in the water, before grabbing the shampoo and getting some into my hands and scrubbing his head and body.

I felt water splash on me as Husk shook off the water I poured on him to rinse him. I let out a giggle and continued washing him.

3rd POV:

[Y/N] finished drying Husk off and left to go get him some clothes. [Y/N] didn't tell him where they were going because they knew if they were going to put clothes on him he would run away. That's why when [Y/N] got back with a tiny outfit Husk FLEW away instead.

[Y/N] let a laugh pass their lips as they ran after the baby. "Soon you'll be too tired and when you are ill get you, Husk!" They warned him. This encouraged tiny Husk to go faster since he wasn't as large as he normally was he couldn't go as fast but he was at a decent speed.

Eventually Husk began to pant and looked behind him to see [Y/N] nowhere to be found, so he thought it was okay to take a little break and sat down on the couch. Boy was he wrong. [Y/N] jumped onto the couch and caught hold of him. Husk struggles but it was too late she had caught him.

After putting the tiny outfit on him, [Y/N] heard Husk stomach growl and went to go grab a bottle and some formula.

When she came back she handed the bottle to Husk and he looked at her with a questionable look. She looked back at him with a look that said 'just drink it' and so he did. When he was done of course [Y/N] burped him and then she saw his tiny eyes start closing. She smiled and lye him down on her stomach and with her sleeping as well.

/Next Morning/

Your POV:

I felt a heavy weight on my stomach and opened my eyes to find the normal sized Husk asleep on my stomach. I shook him, "Husk, get offffffff you're heavy nowwwwwwww." I said clearly aggravated that he wouldn't budge. I grabbed a hold of his tail and he jolted awake with a grunt.

I let out a laugh as he got up. He checked himself out and "Finally." He said also realizing he's no longer wearing the tiny outfit I looked down at my stomach to see it torn in half. I sighed and got up and threw it away.

It was one of the cute outfits too..

Husk POV:

I woke up with a grunt cause [Y/N] being the brat they could be had grabbed my tail which was sensitive. I glared at them and got to my feet. That's when I realized, I was back to my normal self! "Finally." I said I looked down at [Y/N]'s stomach and saw the tiny outfit had torn apart. I rubbed the back of my neck and chuckled.

[Y/N] glared at me before throwing it away, one thing was for sure..last night was strange.


b a b y       h u s k      :)

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