Alastor | Confessions | x Reader | FLUFF |

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Hey hey!
I know I haven't updated this book since August of 2020 but I decided I wanted to add onto it!
This is a request chapter!
Requested by the lovely: AllisonTart
Enjoy the oneshot loves!

Third POV:

[Y/N]. One of hells greatest overlords. People often know her as "The Melody of Music". She got the nick name when she first preformed in hell. Speaking of which is what [Y/N] was doing right now. [Y/N]'s voice was like no other in all of hell. It even mesmerized the one and only Radio Demon. Alastor was watching the girl from afar but still noticeable. Like many others he loved her voice, it was more soothing to his ears than the screams of his victims.

The song came to an end and [Y/N] looked around at quite the crowd she had drawn to the cafe. [Y/N] had not noticed the particular demon staring at her however. [Y/N] left the stage and picked up the roses given to her from a fan. She took a small whiff of them before entering her dressing room.

[Y/N] was preparing to get ready to go back to the Hazbin Hotel. As soon as she twisted the door knob and opened it she was met face to face with none other than the Radio Demon.
[Y/N] felt butterflies in her stomach as they stood there for a moment just staring at each other. After another minute [Y/N] broke the silence. "Hi." She said waving at Alastor.

His smile widened a little. "How'd you like the show?" She smiled back at him and linked arms with him while they walked back to the hotel together. They had a nice conversation about things here and there. [Y/N] decided to build up her courage and kissed the Radio Demons cheek.

She unlinked their arms and stood back. All of a sudden her shoes seemed a lot more interesting. "I'm sorry." She whispered out but it was loud enough for the demon in front of her to hear. "I know you don't like being touched." She sighed and looked off to the side.

The Radio Demon smiled and bent down to her level. "My dear if it's you that has touched me, I do not mind." He said in his Radio like voice. He grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. Alastor parted ways with the overlord leaving her to process what just happened.

[Y/N] hadn't even noticed they were back at the hotel. She let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding in. Her close friend Charlie Magne, the princess of Hell and Lucifer's daughter came up to her. Charlie's expression had been one of a sly one.

"I know that look [Y/N]." Charlie said, folding her arms over her chest. "What look?" [Y/N] asked her friend. [Y/N] refused to make eye contact with her friend and simply looked in the other direction. Charlie put her hands on her friends shoulders. "You're in love with the Radio Demon!" Charlie said smile widening. [Y/N] looked at her with wide eyes. "You need to tell him."

[Y/N]'s expression turned into one of sadness. "What if he rejects me?" She mumbled looking at both of their shoes. "I don't want to get hurt." She said folding her arms. "[Y/N] just go for it." Her friend says hoping to reassure her. [Y/N] looks up at her and nods. "Do you know where he went?" She ask and Charlie pointed in the direction of the patio.

[Y/N] found Alastor looking out at the streets of hell. "Mind if I join you?" [Y/N] asked approaching the Radio Demon from behind. "I'd love that dear." Alastor said looking back at her. [Y/N] walks next to him and looks up at the red sky.

She looks at the demon, "Can I tell you something from my heart?" She asked turning her body to face his. Alastor nods and gives her his signature smile. [Y/N] let out a deep breath. "I love you." She said looking him directly in the eyes.

She grew anxious waiting for his response and hugged herself. "P-" "I love you too." [Y/N]'s eyes widened and she looked at him once again. "I'm sorry can you repeat?" She asked the demon in front of her. "I said I love you too my dear." He repeated and stepped closer to her.

They both took small steps towards each other until they finally met. [Y/N]'s hands landed themselves on Alastors cheeks while his hands met her waist. They both leaned in until finally their lips met in a loving kiss.

I hope I met your request Allison! I know you asked for a surprise ending so I hope that was surprise enough!

🎉 Kamu telah selesai membaca 𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙚l 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 OLD 🎉
𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙚l 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 OLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang