"I'm working on it." 


       Allison is like a five year old, I swear. The whole ride up in the elevator, she has been staring at me nonstop. Even Lydia had to snap at her, saying the tension is the small elevator was becoming unbearable. Honeslty, I had no problem being here with the two of them. I here to accompany my best friend and another hunter. That's it. 

        Lydia reaches to knock on the loft door. Unfortunately, Allison reaches forward and stops her from doing so. I roll my eyes, annoyed. Can she just let us do what we came here to do? Yes, I know coming here is kind of crazy, but Lydia needs help. 

        "While it's smart to bring us with you," Allison glances to me then to our strawberry blonde friend. "I still think the rest of this is totally insane."

        I rol my eyes once again. I expected her to be against this. Allison has always liked to play on the safe side. Right now, we don't need safe. We need answers and if coming to Peter for help means getting them, then we will do just that. 

        "I tried to find Stiles and I led everyone into a mental institution. I call that a colossal failure." Lydia whispers to her. There's no point in whispering. I'm sure Peter can hear everything we are saying right now. "Look, I just need to figure this out and he's the only one offering help."        

        "Peter doesn't offer help. He offers a chance for you to be manipulated into giving him what he wants." Allison continues on. She looks to me for some kind of backup. 

        I shrug my shoulders, keeping a hint of a smile on my face. "Fine. Let's see what he wants."

        "You're okay with this?" Allison points to the loft door.

        "Look, Allison, if you scared, you can go wait in the car. Okay?" I tilt my head to the side, like I'm talking to a little kid. "You weren't supposed to come. Lydia invited me to join her for this because she knew I wouldn't try to talk her out of it, like you are doing right now. We need help. You got that? Peter, here, can help us. Like I said before, if all of this is too much for you to handle, the car is downstairs. Just step out of the way and-" I point to myself, smirking. "Let the professional hunter here take care of it."

        Lydia's eyes widen. She adverts her eyes from the two of us while she slides the loft door open. Peter is in front of the wall of windows, his back to us. 

        Peter turns around, in his all too tight white tee shirt. "The hunters and the banshee. Ladies, come in."

        The three of us step inside of the loft, right up to the table that seperates us from him. I smirk, slightly wishing that Peter does try to do something. I have a dagger coated in dried wolfsbane that I would just love to try out. One stab to the heart and someone will be dying in a matter of seconds. This wolfsbane is pretty rare, so of course I stocked up on it France, where it is naturally grown. 

        "They go." Peter refers to the two of us on either side of Lydia. 

        The smirk on my face grows even wider. "Awh. Is poor, little Peter afraid of some hunters?" I ask in a mock voice. 

        "The last time I was alone with you, I almost bled out on a lacrosse field." Lydia reminds him. "They stay."

        "Do you actually think I was trying to kill you when I bit you?" Peter's eyes narrow a little as he speaks. "You were my backup plan, remember? Not to mention, the bite is what brought out your nascent abilities. You think power like that was going to come out on its own?" He clicks his tongue.
"I'm the spark that lit your fire, sweetheart."

Out of The Shadows (Shadow Series #3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin