Special Chapter [M]

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A/n oh how to be Felix's tiny hand



Felix happily munched the boba from his second order as he strolled around the beach with his boyfriend. After spending nearly one hour at the café, they decided to go to the nearest convention store to buy some snacks.

"Why are you looking at a pack of marshmallow like that?" Jisung laughed.

"I suddenly want to make some s'mores." The younger cutely pouted.

"Well, we can build a tent and set a campfire if you want to."

"We can?"

The older hummed. "Changbin hyung has several sets of tents in the storage room."

Felix did not respond to it and simply hugged his lover. He used to hold a campfire with his friends back in Australia after all, so to finally have one here successfully intrigued him.

Jisung unknowingly smiled. "Let's pay for the ingredients we need and go back to the cabin then."


"I just finished preparing everything." The squirrel like boy announced when he saw his lover climb down the stairs. He apparently just took a shower.

"Already? Thank you, Sungie."

"It's not that hard." He lied, but the freckled boy did not need to know that.

The couple was in the kitchen now, chopping the chocolate into smaller pieces for making s'mores, or rather, Felix was the one who did it since the other boy was too busy pecking on his nape.

The younger softly moaned when his lover dragged his lips up to his right ear, playfully blowing some air on it every once in a while.

"At this point, we may not have time to make one I guess?" Felix stated; sounded like he was complaining when in fact he tilted his neck to give Jisung more access and clutched at his hair to direct the older where he wanted him to leave the kisses.

Felix threw his head back, leaning it on Jisung's left shoulder when the older's fingers started to play with his nipples, double the pleasure up with his lips that seemed to love leaving marks on his neck.

Seconds later, Jisung turned his lover's body around then pulled him into a passionate kiss, pressing their bodies even closer than before. He hummed when the younger played with his hair, slightly tugging at it.

His body wanted to do more than this, but his mind reminded him how excited Felix was when he suggested the freckled boy to have a campfire tonight, so he stopped the kiss, deciding to continue this later.


After setting up the fire, the couple excitedly shared about their experiences, especially the ones that related to their childhood, while waiting for the marshmallow to cook.

Minutes later, cookies crumbs have littered the grass and little inside part of the tent, including their jeans as they sat cross-legged, but they did not bother to dust it off.

Even when chocolate remnants stained their teeth they just laughed it off, only caring about relishing every second they had before they needed to go back home in the next morning.

It was such a soft sight, successfully buried the not-so-holy moment that happened earlier in the kitchen. But the air soon changed when the older asked his lover to share his marshmallow.

"Feed me, baby."

The freckled boy stared at Jisung with half uneaten marshmallow between his teeth. He noticed what his boyfriend's intention was, yet he decided to tease him; letting the older to lean in then eat it right before he got the chance.

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