Chapter 14

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Last day of school

Felix fished out his phone when he felt a soft vibration inside his pocket. A smile decorated his lips instantly as he looked at the contact.

"Hi, angel." The other line greeted, earning a shy giggle from the younger.

"Stop smiling like that, baby. I can see some people have been eyeing you and I kinda hate it."

"Where are you?" The lilac boy asked as his eyes scanned over the busy road near his school entrance to find his lover. One thing for sure, he forgot to check what was behind him so he screamed lightly when he felt a tap on his right shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Jisung apologized, yet his laugh said otherwise.

"Aw don't pout~ I'll buy you some ice cream."

"But it's winter."



"It's winter break and I'm sick. I hate you."

"No, you don't. Now say aaaa."

Felix was leaning on the bed headboard, shivering a little as he was having cold. On the other hand, his boyfriend was feeding him with some hot porridge. Thanks to Chan the squirrel like boy could make it without making too much mess in the kitchen.

"You owe me a perfect date." The freckled boy adorably grinned.

"Consider it done. But you should get better first and we'll go." The older reassured, earning a happy hum from his lover. Taking his phone from the night stand, Jisung made a digital note to remind himself to search for something fun for their date later.

"I honestly can't wait for new semester to begin."

"Already?" Jisung chuckled.

"I can't wait to meet your friends. Are they friendly?"

"They are. They'll love you too. I can feel it in my bones."

The freckled boy giggled. "You're so extra."

"And you love it."

"Yea yea sure~" The younger replied, playfully rolling his eyes.

Apparently, Felix had already been able to move before the winter break started, but both his former school and the new one agreed that it would be wiser and easier to do so as new term began.


"Oh I haven't gone to this area."

"Chan hyung said you barely go out as well."

The younger wanted to disagree, but he knew he could not deny the fact so he just pouted.

"Don't purse your lips like that."

The freckled boy was certain that what came after the line would be something flirty or cheesy. So it caught him off guard when his lover suggested such fun idea instead.

"Why don't we make a plan to go somewhere every weekend?"

Felix perked up at the statement, nodding excitedly as he had some places he wanted to explore in mind.

Can We be More? [Jilix] ✓Where stories live. Discover now