I'm Sorry

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My new account is daughterofathena76

As of now, I've been locked out of this account. The only reason I can come on here is because I stayed logged into the app on my phone. Wattpad asked me to reset my password, but when I tried to reset it, it refused to verify it. I tried to verify my email, but because the email I used for this account is so old and hasn't been used much, both Wattpad and Google accounts refuse to verify that it belongs to me. I've done everything I can to get it back and nothing is working.

I want to thank everyone who I've met through this account. To say that this account saved my life is an understatement. When I made this account, I was just a lonely, bitter teenaged girl. I hated myself, I hated writing, I hated everything in existance. This account gave me my passion for writing back. This account gave me a place where I could come to feel happy. This account meant everything to me, and to have it taken away is heartbreaking. I should have verified my email and password sooner. I should have written all the information down so wattpad could verify me. But I didn't. Because I was dumb and naieve.

My only regret is not cherishing the time I had with this account while I had the chance. I wish I hadn't taken such a long hiatus last year. I wish I hadn't been distracted from writing by stupid things like school drama and relationships. I wish I'd interacted with people more, wished I'd responded when people messaged me. But I can't go back in time.

I'm not sure what Wattpad will do with my account now. I've saved all my stories to my google drive so in case wattpad does delete them I can post them on my new account.

I'm sorry it had to be this way.

I'm sorry I'm losing my account because I was stupid.

Best wishes,


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