CHAPTER THREE :No worries darling

Start from the beginning

"Mom I'm just shocked like crazy. I mean its fine that you guys are talking but the problem is what you guys talked about."

"No worries darling."

Mom patted my cheeks. I'd almost forgotten she used to do that.

"I'm curious though. What did he say?"I sipped my coffee

"He told me alot about  your honeymoon," she whispered between smiles "he said you got scared on your first night."

"Mom?"I sighed in exasperation

Logan and I haven't been together and we never will. I can't seriously give myself to someone who isn't my life partner. Besides we both have nothing but hate for each other.

"And that's where you come in."she beamed

"You guys talked alot concerning me."I raised n eyebrow.

"Don't be silly," mom waved my comment away"we hd to talk about you once in a while. You know that there can't be a Romeo..."

"Without a Juliet ."I completed

"Now that's my girl."she patted my cheeks "he told me that you are on pills "

"Oh wow!"I faked laughed

I took a big gulp if my coffee. I felt perched all of a sudden. Logan really was an ass.

"What else did he tell you?"

"He said that you insisted on waiting for the next two years before conceiving. Kristin honey I trust that whatever decision you make is for the better."

I was tired of hearing Logan's cock and bull story.

"Mom I'm happy that you and Logan talked, I really am. But still I want you to do me a favour and stop bothering about Logan and I ,We are good."

"No honey. Infact I wanna hear more. "

"Mom you know that won't be necessary you need to rest."

       And that's because all he said is a lie.

Deep within me I wanted to tell mom everything,I wanted her to know how my love life had taken a different shape but I didn't have the courage to. Of course Mom was one of the few people who kicked against my marriage because her take was the normal- one should be married for love. But still I went through with it and I had to promise her that I'll try my best to make Logan and I work. Looking back at my promise,I feel sad for the old woman because she thinks that one way or another Logan and I have been able to work things out. I can't break her heart now.

"Mom earlier you said Logan told you about our decision to use pills,"I paused to stare at her "aren't you bothered that we wouldn't give you a grand child any sooner."

"Oh dear am not."she laughed "it's okay. I'd decided that whatever makes you happy does the same for me."

"Thanks mom."I managed my smile.
I got up and drank the rest of my coffee

"Umm, Trisha and I were thinking of going to the salon."my phone buzzed
It was Trish texting me.

"That must be Trisha?"

"Yeah."I glanced at my phone

"Okay you should get going."

I'm so glad that mom didn't push the conversation any further. I came to my family's for peace of mind, talking about Logan's lies won't be necessary

"Kristin we would talk about this later."

"Mom please you don't have to worry about me."

"I'd rather worry about you darling," she smiled "come here "mom put her arm around me and kissed the top of my head before patting my cheeks which makes it the third time she's done it.

"I keep forgetting you're not nine anymore."

I smiled "I do hope you keep forgetting." I grabbed my mug and headed for the stairs.

"Honey I've got some interesting cosmopolitan. I'm sure you'll love to read them so I'll give it to you when you get back," she called after me.
That was the least of her statement I could hear while heading up the stairs.

Ohmigod was mom trying to probe me into reading those sex books all because of Logan's silly talk.

I need to talk to Logan. He had better not pull this move again.


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