Chapter 3

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Above pic-  Jaxon

I was scared to open the door. Thinking of all the bad things he put me through all those years ago. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Standing there was one of my best friends Jaxon. I was relieved.

"Whats wrong sky ? you look so pale. Are you okay ?" he asked with concern in his eyes. " Not really. Come in lets talk inside." I pulled him into the house and locked the door. "Whats going on Sky ? You are worrying me." he asked.

And in that moment I broke down " This can't be happening. He can't be back. He hurt me so much. I am not gonna let him in again. He broke my heart. He lied to me and cheated on me. Why is he back? I don't want to go back to that life " I started hyperventilating.

" Slow down sky tell me whats wrong ." He said while patting my back to calm me down. " Gabriel found me. He told me he was coming for me. I couldn't let him find about Carter so I sent him with Malia. But what if I was too late? What if he already knows?" I started panicking . I couldn't let that ruthless man get a hold of my baby boy. 

" Calm down Sky. Its gonna be okay. We will think of something ." he said. He gave me a hug. And  my heart was just getting back to normal. Just then the front door burst open.

And there he was Gabriel Luciano Moretti. He hadn't changed a bit. He looked like the my same old Gabe who used to whisper sweet messages in my ear at night before bed , the same guy who took me out on dinner dates , the same guy who made me feel pleasure like no other.

He had a stone cold face with rage burning in his eyes. He walked in with 8 of his men . I recognised a few of them. 

" Who the fuck are you ?" he roared. I was confused listening to what he said and then it dawned on me that he was referring to Jaxon. I couldn't say anything . I wanted to but I couldn't . For some strange reason no words were coming out of my mouth. 

" How dare you put your hands on whats mine. " he growled. Pulling him of our embrace by his neck. Gabriel then landed a punch on Jaxons's jaw and started choking him. I had forgotten about how possessive he can be. 

" Gabriel!! STOP it " I yelled making my way to where he had Jaxon pinned on the wall. " Is he the reason why you ran away  Sky ? Is he the reason you have been away from me for the past 5 years ? " he yelled at me making me flinch. 

" No he isn't the reason I left you . You are the reason I left. Now let him go Gabriel" I screamed. "No cara mia, not so fast. Tell me is he your boyfriend?" he asked .

" No you idiot. He is just a friend." I answered, " Then why the fuck did he have his hands on you Skylar." he asked with a voice that was so cold it sent chills up to my spine." He was just giving me a friendly hug Gabriel." I said in a soft voice. This seemed to calm him down and he let go of Jaxon. Jaxon fell on the ground trying to catch a breath.

" Okay bambino I will let him live go pack your bags. We are going back to New York today ." I ordered. No way in hell I am going back there. "No I am not going anywhere with you " I screamed at him."

"Its cute that you still think you have a choice. Skylar I am saying this for the last time if you want your friend here to live go pack a bag and get into my fucking car." He ordered. Shit this cant be happening. What do I do ? 

" NOW!!! Skylar". he roared . I had no choice I left the living room and went up the stairs to my room. Packed a small bag with a few clothes and essentials. And I made my way down."

As I came into the living room I saw Gabriel with my phone in his hand. Oh shit! My wallpaper. It was of me and Carter at the beach. How the hell can I be this stupid. I mentally cursed myself. His face was now stone cold and callous.

He looked up to me and asked " Who is the boy in the picture ?" I couldn't breathe

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