How much pain I can see in her eyes. It's the same pain in mine.

Only I don't know why she has so much pain, and scars

Why someone would hurt someone so precious as her.

Makes me angry.

But it shouldn't.

I shouldn't give a fuck.

I'm Tyler motherfucking Madden

I'm a fucking train wreck.

She doesn't need that.

Its just a phase. She isn't important at all. Mac is probably right; I just need some chick to fill.

That's it.

Classic guy syndrome.

Moving on.

She doesn't even matter to me. She is nothing.

By the time I have pulled up to the breakfast place I have fully convinced myself. Spencer was just some weird moment of weakness thing that I will get over.

But as I get out of the car, I catch sight of her walking into the place with that girl.

I see her long, gorgeous legs encased in fishnets that make me feel some type of way.

Throat is dry.

Pupils dilated.

Muscles tense.


I'm a goner.


Spencer POV:

We didn't discuss it again. None of it. That's the thing I love about Fallon, she knows when to push and when to not. Our bond is so tight and strong that we have a bunch of unspoken agreements and secrets between one another. She knows everything about me and visa versa. We aren't just best friends; we are soul sisters. Always got each other's backs, and sides, and fronts. So instead of dwelling on the past (Or the blue-eyed mystery) she dives into a crazy party she went to. Fallon goes places that I wouldn't dare to, and she does things I don't necessarily agree with but hey, its her body and if she wanna shake dat ass for some money then so be it. Her stories are always crazy, detailed, animated, and exciting. I love listening to them because it's a glimpse into something I don't do- well not anymore at least, it's a reminder of why ive stayed away from the party scene for about two years now. Its addicting, the fast life. The drugs are the best and so fun, alcohol makes me numb which was mistaken for happiness. But its not true happiness because you lose everything that is important and that matters- like I did. I had to crawl from rock bottom just to be able to breath again. I got clean and even though ill still go out and drink every now and then I know my limits and when to stop. I'm still not happy, no not by a long shot. But at least I can hold a proper conversation and focus on school which hopefully can lead me out of my miserable life and I can find happiness.

In Fallon's latest escapade there was a fight. A bad and bloody one, which seems to all start from a girl dancing on some guy and her boyfriend NOT being pleased with that at all. It got pretty bad and unfortunately for my friend people stated calling the cops and leaving when they showed up. Now, fallen did not know any of this because she was... how we say... preoccupied. Someone burst into the VIP room where she and two other people were in and yelled 'COPS!' leading Fallon and her two other 'friends' to quickly put on their clothes and scram. When she got far enough away, she realized she was wearing one guys boot and the other girls heel, her underwear (Thank god), her shorts, but some other girls shirt which was unbuttoned. All the while she was carrying in her hands the dress that she came in with. By the end I was laughing so hard it sounded like wheezing noises coming from my mouth.

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