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Jack tried to hold onto me and Rose but the force from the ship was so strong that it pulled us apart. Rose and me held onto each other. We rose above the waves to the surface to see former passengers of the now sunken ship screaming and splashing constantly in a panic.

We both called out for my brother"Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack!" It was so cold that I could my breath form into a gust of air. We continued to shout for him.

(People from the wreck in the ocean)

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(People from the wreck in the ocean)

A man shoved Rose underwater,thinking that she was a floatable raft. Luckily Jack came in just in time and he punched the guy a good three times. Jack"Swim,Rose,Jackie,I need you guys to swim" he held onto us as we swam after him. We found a floating door,they let me get on first seeing as I weighed very little then Rose got on. Jack tried to get on,but it didn't work. Jack,now in front of us,we all touched foreheads"It'll be all right,now"

A guy blew his whistle"Return the boats!" Jack spoke to us"The boats are coming back for us,Jackie, Rose. Hold on just a little bit longer. They had to row away for the suction but now they'll be coming back" Woman"Oh for God's sake!" Man"Please! Help us!"

On a lifeboat:
Everyone sits quietly. Man"You don't understand. If we go back,they'll swamp the boat. They'll pull us right down! I'm telling you!" Margaret"Knock it off! You're scaring me! Come on,girls! Grab an oar! Let's go!" Man"Are you out of your mind?! We are in the middle of the North Atlantic! Now do you people want to live or do you want to die?!" Molly"I don't understand a one of you. What's the matter with ya?! It's your man out there!" She said to a woman,who just broke down in tears. Molly"They'll be plenty of room for more!" Man"And there'll be one less on this boat. If you don't shut that hole in your face!" She immediately shut up and she sat back down.

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