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Jackie's POV:
I stood on the top deck with Rose,who held my hand tightly. We stood by Ruth,Cal and Margaret. Cal"Any room for a gentleman,gentlemen?" Man"Only women and children at this time,sir" Ruth"Will the lifeboats be seated according to class? I hope they are not too crowded" Rose lost it"Oh,Mother. SHUT UP!!!" She grabbed her mother by the shoulders"DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! THE WATER IS FREEZING AND THERE AREN'T ENOUGH BOATS!! NOT ENOUGH BY HALF!!" She lowered her voice"Half the people on this ship are going to die"

Cal"Not the better half" Ruth got in the boat. Rose turned to Cal as he spoke"You know it's a pity I didn't keep that drawing,it would've been worth a lot more by morning" he meant that by my brother dying that the drawing of nude Rose would've been worth a lot more because artistry usually is when the artist is dead,like Pablo Picasso or Vincent Van Gough. Rose spoke for the both of us"You unimaginable bastard"

Margaret"Come on,Rose,Jacqueline,darlings. There's plenty of room for you two. Come on,girls. You girls are next" Ruth"Come into the boat,girls" Cal"Come" Ruth"Girls! Get into the boat! Rose!" Rose"Goodbye,mother" we walked away quickly to find my big brother. Ruth called behind us"Rose? Rose come back here!" Cal grabbed Rose and turned her to face him"Where are you going? To him?! To be a whore to a gutter rat?" Rose"I'd rather be his whore than your wife" Cal grabbed her abusively"No! I said no!" She spit in his eye just like my brother taught her,she picked me up and she ran fast and held onto me tightly.

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