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Me,Jack and Rose broke down the door and one of the men didn't like that,we ignored him and walked down the hallway"What do you think you're doing?!? You'll have to pay for that you know?!? That's White Star Line property!!" We all shout at him"SHUT UP!!" Which he immediately did.

Mr. Andrews"Why are the boats being launched half full?" Man"Not now. Mr. Andrews" Andrews points out"There,look" he points to a lifeboat"Twenty or so in a boat built for sixty five? And I saw one boat with only twelve! Twelve!" Man"We weren't sure of the weight. These boats may buckle" Andrews"Buckle? They were tested in Belfast with the weight of seventy men! Now fill these boats! For God's sake man!" He did as requested and required.

In another part of the sinking ship:
Tommy shouts"You can't keep us locked in here like animals! The ship's bloody sinking!" They had guns and axes at the ready. They opened the gates only for a second,for women and children but things were quick to become violent.

Tommy"For God's sakes man! There are women and children down here! Let us up so we can have a chance!" Cal and Lovejoy collected their collectibles and valuable possessions,they locked the safe and left the room.

We got to another gate and Jack lost it,he shook the gates,upset"GODDAMN IT! SON OF A BITCH!" Jack,Fabrizio and Tommy helped him remove a bench and use it to break open the gates

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We got to another gate and Jack lost it,he shook the gates,upset"GODDAMN IT! SON OF A BITCH!" Jack,Fabrizio and Tommy helped him remove a bench and use it to break open the gates. Jack and Rose both helped me get through the gate and Tommy knocked the guys' lights out-he knocked him unconscious.

Every staff member of the sinking ship struggled to keep the remaining passengers in order. The lifeboats began to come on top of each other. They began to shoot guns as a warning. Cal has a business preposition with Mr. Murdoch.

Jackie's POV:
We did discover that the boats were gone but there were a couple more boats all the way forward and we ran to catch one. Only women and children. I would go with Rose but we would most likely have to go without my brother.

The band was still playing as we ran to them. Tommy made the comment"Music to drown by. Now I know I'm in first class" a guy held his daughter and the men let the woman into the lifeboat. Tommy left to go and check the other side.

Lovejoy"I found her on the other side. Waiting for a boat. With him" Cal and Lovejoy walked away to find Rose. Mr. Ismay got in a lifeboat:

Everyone looked at him like he was a coward,which he was

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Everyone looked at him like he was a coward,which he was.

A crew member grabbed a girl and handed her to her mother in a lifeboat along with her sister,both of the girls with tears in their eyes. Their dad told them"It's goodbye for a little while. Only a little while. There'll be another boat for the daddies. This boat is for the mommies and the children. You hold mummy's hand and be a good little girl"

Me and Rose looked at Jack"I'm not going without you" Me:"Me neither" Jack"No you have to go,both of you,now. Take care of Jackie" Rose"No,Jack" Jack"Get in the boat,Rose. Get in the boat,Jackie" Me:"No" Rose"No" then Cal showed up. Great.

Cal gave her his coat and Jack moved us away and he looked at us"Go on. I'll get the next one" Me:"No! Not without you!" Jack"Listen,I'll be all right. I'll be fine. I'm a survivor. We both are. Don't worry about me" Cal spoke of an arrangement to get on a lifeboat and Jack could get on with him. I don't trust Cal or his words. They took Rose first and then they placed me on her lap. Me and her reached for Jack and Jack reaches for us but a staff crew member separated us.

We began to lower away. Me and Rose looked at Jack as we lowered away. I had tears in my eyes. I was being separated from my older brother,the only family I have left. I felt an emptiness inside me. What would I do without him? The boat ropes. The man on our lifeboat. The daughters waving goodbye to their father forever. The man on the ship waving his arms and shouting commands.

We were by the wide open windows. Rose grabbed my hand,we stand up and we both walk to the front of the lifeboat and we jumped back into the sinking ship. We could both hear my brother"Jackie! Rose! Jackie! Rose! What are you doing?!" We got in and we raced and passed people who looked at us like we were crazy,we ran like the devil was after us,we ran to find my brother. We met him at the bottom of the Grand Staircase"JACKIE! ROSE!" He picked me up and Rose cuddled into his side.

Jack"Rose! Jacqueline! You're so stupid! Why did you do that? You're so stupid! Why did you do that? Why?" They kissed repeatedly and he kissed my head multiple times. Rose"You jump,I jump, right?" Jack"Right" he hugged us tightly. Me:"I couldn't go" Rose"Oh God" Me:"I couldn't go" Jack"It's all right,pumpkin. We'll think of something"

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