Chapter 3

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Jack and I knew each other from the bar. He knew my parents and would never tell me how but that all makes sense now. We sort of had a history. Not like a love history. We were good friends though. Never thought I would see him again. It almost brought tears to my eyes. At that point I needed to see him. But, I couldn't leave the sh-

"Jaime darling come here! I want you to meet an old friend of mine!" I already have... I walked down off the ship and almost laughed at Jack's expression when he saw me.

"Jack... Sparrow..." I walked closer. "Never thought I'd see you again."

"Likewise darling." He smiled and walked over to me. "Tell me, where have you been all this time."

"At the bar. Giving out drinks to sloppy drunken ass holes." He laughed.

"Hey!' I heard Killian shout. "Was I a sloppy dunken ass hole darling?"

"No!" I laughed. "Other pirates."

"Alright then." He came closer to me. "How do you two know each other?"

"The bar." Jack and I said at the same time.

"He knew my parents before they..." I never liked talking about my parents' death. I cleared my throat. "Before they left me."

"Y-yes and I did what I always do and I flirted with her."

"We became good friends. That's how."

"Ah. I see." Hook smiled. "Small world."

"Aye it is." Jack said. "So, why do you have Jaime here Killian?"

"She's decided to be a pirate."

"Oh well allow me to teach a fine lass like her." Killian scowled as Jack put his arm around me. "Now," he started. "To be a pirate you have to look like one, savvy?" He looked over at Hook.

"Hook, do you have anything for her or do we have to steal a dress from somewhere?"

"Most likely we have something."

"Where?" I asked.

"My ship." Killian responded. After Jack got here he seemed more...intense.

"How did you get women's clothes on your ship?"

"How do you think I did love?" We laughed.

"Show me." I demanded.

"Right this way." Killian led me under his ship and opened a closet. There were dresses, leggings, and long leather jackets. "Take your pick for today." I grabbed a pair of knne-high boots, leggings, a black tank top and a leather jacket.

"That... is perfect." I heard Jack say from behind. "Go put it on!" I cleared my throat and gestured for them to leave. Once they left I put the clothes on. I looked at myself in a mirror.

"Look at you Jaime." I said to myself. I walked back outside and they both looked at me and smiled.

"You forgot the corset Jaime." Jack smiled.

"There weren't any."

"Here." Jack threw a bright red corset at me.

"Where did you get this?" I laughed.

"I have my ways. Do you need help putting it on darling?" He smirked.

"I'm not putting it on. I'll put on something else that I found." Both them looked confused. "I'll be back." I walked to the ship and grabbed a outfit that I've seen women at the bar where if they were pirates. The front was a tight fitting top and it looked like a dress in the back but in the front it was just the top. It was about as red as the corset. and the skirt was black. I put that on and took the leather jacket off because I didn't exactly need it. Once again I walked out. Hook had a huge smile on his face. Jack just looked at my and studied me up and down.

"You look-"

"Fantastic!" Killian interrupted Jack. I smiled.

"Thank you."

"Hook!" I heard a voice call.

"What is it Peter?" Hook questioned still looking at me.

"Oh, nothing Angelia and I just wanted to meet the new member!"

"Well that stunning lady over there is the one." I laughed when he called me stunning.

"She is stunning indeed. Nice to meet you I'm Peter. Peter Pan. And this is my girlfirend Angelia."

"It's a pleasure to meet both of you. I'm Jaime Blakk" I smiled.

"And to you as well." Angelia said. Peter turned to Hook and whispered something in his ear. Killian rolled his eyes and said "Come on." to him. Then hey disappeared into the forest.


"What do you need to talk to me about Pan?" I asked. He jumped infront of me and stopped me from walking.

"You like her don't you?!"


"Miss Blakk over there... the one you called 'stunning'." Oh lord help me.


"You stuttered and trailed off." He laughed. "Hook I know you like her. I could tell right away by the way you would sneak a look at her. Also, we don't need another member. You said it yourself about two days ago. YOU LIKE HER!"

"I just met her okay. Give me time. I- we had a moment on the ship." I blushed and looked down at the thought.

"Oh really... What kind of 'moment'." He said using quotations.

"We looked at each other right in the eyes and it felt... different. I got a feeling like I've never had before."

"Then I'm right you do like her."

"I think it's a little more than 'like' mate. I don't know what to do."

"Simple. I can get Angelia to talk to her. And I can talk to her as well."

"Whoa wait a minute Peter." I stopped him. "When I win her heart. And I will. I want it to be because she wants me. Not because of any trickery. Or you for that matter."

"Then you have to put forth the effort. Oh by the way I'm going to propsose to Angelia in the morning."

"Why are you telling me this?" I inquired.

"Because I want that to be you someday Killian."

"Oh it will mate. Give me time."

"And another thing..."

"What Peter?" I aksed annoyed."

"We only have two beds."

"I swear we have three."

"Nope. We did. I need the third one. For Angelia to have room instead of my little bed." How could he do that... How could I say 'no' as well.

"Looks like Jaime will be sleeping with you." He laughed. Bloody... hell...

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