Chapter 2

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Jaime's P.O.V
I took Captain Hook's hand as he helped me aboard his ship.
"Would you like to come back for anything important later on tomorrow?" He asked me while going to the steering wheel.
"I have nothing important except clothes."
"We have that for you."
"Alright then..." I smiled and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Thank you Killian. This means a lot to me."
" You're very welcome love." He grasped the wheel and turned it. "You can go relax below deck if you'd like. It'll be a good half hour before we are there."
"Where are we going?" He turned the wheel more getting us out of the docks.
"Neverland!" He shouted. I giggled.
"Tell me about it... being a pirate. What do I need to know?"
"Well fighting, which you seem to have under control. Then there's stealing. Ever stolen anything?"
"Yes." I was starving...
"Alright so you got that... oh shooting a gun. Do you know how to?"
"Never had a reason to... So no."
"I'll teach you. We'll practice."
"Okay... What else is there?"
"Not a lot darling. If adventure is what you seek this is the way to go."
"It is."
"Good then." I saw a faint outline of a mountain. Neverland... "We're almost there." I walked away from him and went down the steps. I leaned on the edge of the ship, looking at the blue water. I had always had this thing about water... I loved it. The way it swayed and the sound it made. It was so interesting to me. As I looked at the water I saw an image of my mother holding me as a child. She sang me a song. I closed my eyes and listened to her sweet voice. Then I had a flash back.
It was the same scene where I was being held in her arms. She was singing me the same song. After the song she set me down on my bed and said
"You have the blood of a pirate sweet heart. Don't you forget it." Then she walked out and that was the last I saw her. I opened my eyes and a tear rolled down my cheek.
You have the blood of a pirate...
It all made sense. My parents were both pirates and that's why they left... And probably... died. That's why she said I had the blood of a pirate...
"Are you alright Jaime, you're being rather quiet." Killian called back.
"I'm fine!" I replied.
"Then come on up here darling!" I giggled as he called me darling. then I walked up the steps and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm here... what would you like Killian?" He smirked and pointed his Hook at the landscape infront of us. I gasped at the gorgeous sight. There was a beach and then it stretched out towards a forest. I could see mountains in the distance. It was all very hard to believe.

"That my dear, is Neverland." He looked down at me and I looked at him. At that moment, our eyes locked. His deep, bright blue eyes peering into my deep green eyes. It was silent. A smile smile twitched at his lips. I felt myself get warm in the face. I smiled and looked away. I was in shock. No one has ever made me blush. I remebered my father tellinh me that the only man for me was the one that would make me blush and feel.... like Killian just made me feel. Thank you dad. I felt the boat come to an abrupt stop. We were there.

"We're here Jaime. If you would please stay on the ship for a moment. I have to 'okay' this with two people."

"Alright..." He walked off the ship and I sat down. I peeked over the side of the ship and saw that he was talk ing to a girl and a boy that looked about 19 but then again we were on Neverland so they could be a lot older. I paced back and forth. So many thoughts ran through my mind

Can I do this? Can I be a pirate? What about Killian? If he loves me that could get in the way... Do I love him? Where do I get clothes? What if they don.t accept me? .....

All hese thoughts ran through my mind. I stopped when I heard Killian shout.

"Jack? Jack Sparrow? Where have you been all this time you bloody devil?"

Captain Jack Sparrow.... was on Neverland. Oh holy shit.

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