Sylan: And I forgot to mention that these are our children. Adrian, Tayla and Denicia. I would like to introduce you to our home and I could also see that there is some lovely familiar faces.

Of course, he was looking at you. He slowly walked up to you and looked at you.

Sylan: How are you little brother?

Y/n: I am good. How are you.

Sylan: I would like to tell you the same. So, I heard the news about beacon and vale. I am so sorry for what had happened. I am pretty sure that you had some great friends out there.

Y/n: Yes, we indeed did. We also lost a few of our own there too.

Sylan: I am truly sorry to hear all of that. So anyhow, we will make sure that you are feeling more than welcome here.

One of the girls that he was holding in his hand made a cute little noise.

Sylan: Aw, it looks like Denicia wants to tell you hi. Why don't tell you say hello to your uncle?

He handed her to you. She was so little and cute by the that you can't seem to take your eyes off of her. Even Ruby , Weiss and Yang came and took at look at her, giving her some puppy eyes. Even Adrian is jealous at the way how they all looked at her. He didn't stay that way for long though because he is now getting their attention.

Saphron: I know that you are all starving, maybe you should come inside.

Sylan and Saphron let you guys right inside of the house. Sylan stayed right next to his wife as he was watching his kids play. Adrian was getting annoyed by his two siblings always messing with him. It was like Jaune and his sisters all over again.

Y/n: So what do you for a living Sy?

Sylan: Well, you know I fight bad guys all the time and try to bid the city of all of these crimes. I really love what I do cause I get some exercise.

Y/n: Oh really?

Sylan: Yes really. What, you think that just because I didn't go to the same school as you and the fact that I don't have any semblance or aura, you don't think that I'm a decent fighter?

Y/n: What? No, that is not what I am getting at here.

Sylan: Okay, calm down. I am just messing with you by the way.

Saphron: But serious though, he is a really cool fighter.

Sylan: You got that right. Back when I was way younger, I studied some martial arts moves and some shooting so that I could be the tough big guy that I am right now. My fighting is so fierce that no matter what you throw at me, you can't keep me down.

Y/n: Yeah, I would love to see you in action right now. And also, Saphron, are you the only Arc living here?

Saphron: Yep. Move the second that I could. Jaune and I are the only Arc living far from home.

Sylan: I think that it is really lovely that we have family and friends here to see us.

He places his hand right on Saphron's.

Sylan: So Jaune. What do you think of moving like your sister?

Saphron: If you would ask me, I would say that he loves to be like his big sis.

Sylan: Yeah and I would love to be like my little brother.

They had a good little laugh until they heard the door open. There was another young woman with glasses and a boy who is about 4 years old with her.

Saphron: Everyone, this is our wife Terra-cotta and our eldest child Devin.

Terra: Well hello there, you guys weren't kidding when you say that it would be quite a party. Would you guys give me a hand with this.

RWBY x Male reader volume 6Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora