Chapter 3

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You guys all saw and heard all of this. Salem can't be killed. It was Ozpin's little secret and it was now in the open.

Yang: Salem can't be killed. You all heard her right?

Y/n: Yang. You have to calm some right now. None of this isn't gonna solve anything.

She shook away your hand from her shoulders.

Yang: There was so much that you haven't told us. How did you think that was okay?

Ozpin: I...

Y/n: Yang. This kind of outburst was all uncalled for. You have to step away right now.

Yang: No Y/n, you should be the one stepping away. This is between us and him.

Yang just pushed you aside like you were nothing. You were so mad that she would so something like that. You know that he lied to you all about everything but there is something that he had a good reason for. He never wanted them to think that they were all hopeless. After all the things that he had berms through:

Ruby: Professor? What is your plan of defeating Salem?

He looked down in deep shame now that there is now way that he could get all their thrust in him.

Ozpin: I don't have one.

With a bit of rage, Qrow send his fist flying straight into Ozpin's face and sending him right up against the tree,

Y/n: Qrow! What the hell? You didn't have to do that. Back off!

Qrow: No. you have no idea what that bastard did. There is no one in the world that wanted me. I thought that I have no where in the world that I should go. I was cursed and then he gave me a home. He gave me hope. I thought that I was really doing something good.

Ozpin: But you are Qrow.

Qrow: Meeting you is the worst luck of my life.

Just hearing those words comes right out of his mouth, made him break down in tears. You were the one that is in rage right now that you send your own fist flying right in Qrow's face. He just sat down in the cold in shock.

Y/n: I know. I know that it was really tough to be out in the cold all alone and not wanting everyone to take you in and thinking that you were doing some right. But look at what you are doing right now! That is Oscar that you are hitting. Do you need some more punch in the face just to get in the brain of yours.

Ruby ran right to your side.

Ruby: Y/n....

She held your hand right on your shoulders.

Y/n: No. If someone is the bastard, it is you. Taking your frustrations all out on a kid like that is wrong. He may not be Oscar at the moment but he is still Oscar's body. Ozpin may lies to all of us but he just wanted to help us.

Yang: You just don't get it do you?

Y/n: What makes you say something like that huh! I think that person that don't get all of this is the girl that is so hotheaded. She just don't seems to get all of this right in her head because she can't control her anger. She just can't gaps her mind to all of this. I think that is something that you shouldn't be fighting me on.

Yang gripped her fist and try to fight the urge not to hit you.

Ruby: Look, we all need to calm down.

Y/n: You should be telling that to your sister right now. She need to be the one that is calming down cause she is the one that is getting angry and can't comprehend.

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