Chapter 19

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A couple of hours went by since Xavier was at my place and while my sister and my mom were trying to find the outfit i should wear on the date and trying to find the makeup that is right for me. At that time i was talking to Carla and Layla, told them about the whole situation and the funny thing is they had the same reaction as my mom and my sister.

The questions they be asking the most is "How did he ask you out?" "Was it romantic?"

Not gonna lie it was so annoying when they kept asking the same questions over and over so i told them once the date finish or the next day i will meet up with them i will tell them everything.

It was almost time for my date, both my sister and my mom were putting the finishing touches on me. I looked in the mirror and to say i looked sexy. I was wearing a black dress, nothing that fancy, with black flats. Makeup was on point nothing too much, just more of a natural look, jewelry wise just my gold chain, and a anklet. "Thank you both for doing my makeup and helping me pick out my outfit" i said.

"Of course darling, just have fun but not too much fun" my mom said while winking at me.


My sister started chuckling "You should start heading down he should be here any mo-".

She didnt get to finish her sentence before my dad yelled "Cordelia he is here! Come down".

I smiled at both of them and walked out the room to head downstairs. To say i was nervous was an understatement, especially when im going out with a person i had a crush on for a while, and because this is my first date. Going down the stairs i saw him standing there talking with my dad looking perfect.

Words cant describe how i feel at the moment because there was so many thoughts going through my mind. When he glanced at my, locking eyes you could see the look of lust, then he started checking me out. I started blushing thinking i was just over doing it with the outfit. When i came up to him, he grabbed my hand and kissed whispering "beautiful", gazing into each other eyes getting lost in them.

"Please make sure that my daughter gets back around 11pm or else" my father talking. Really me nor Xavier were even paying attention to him to begin with sadly.

"I will make sure that everything will be okay with your daughter and that she will come back safe and sound" Xavier replied to my surprise.

He winked at me when he saw my surprised look. We said our goodbyes to my family while heading out the door while Xavier was holding my hand. Once we got out he said "Ready to have the time of your life?''

I chuckled "Don't get ahead of yourself just yet sir, this is just an opportunity for you to woo me over".

Who am i kidding he did woo me over, with just the little things he has done.

"Oh you know that will woo you in no time malady" Xavier stated. He unlocked the doors to his car and opened the passenger door for me, i sat down while he closed the door. He came around to the driver seat, started the car and started driving to god knows where.

I kept looking out the window not knowing what to say to him and because it was kinda awkward in the car when none of us were talking.

"What's your favorite type of music?"

I was really deep in thought when he asked that question, I almost did not even hear what he asked. "Pop music really but it kinda alters. I usually listen to different types of languages of pop music like French or Russian." I replied to him.

He started chuckling out of no where. I gave him a puzzling look "Was there something funny with my answer?"

"No princess it wasn't funny I find it fascinating because that's my favorite type of music also" he said while smiling.

Shortly after we arrived to a restaurant called D'angelo, he parked the car right in front of the place and got out the car and came to my side of the car to open the door.

"Thank you." He winked and grabbed my hand to hold, lead me inside the restaurant. Once we were inside i was very intrigued with the decorations, everything was colorful, rows and rows of tables filled with people laughing and eating.

A waiter was at this front desk when we came in "Hello and welcome to D'angelo, we will seat you right away."

Oh do i hope this date will go well.

Hello my lovelies! I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a while i will try to be more active now. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Happy Holidays!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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