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   IT TURNED OUT, as far as victories went, punching Pierce had been a fleeting one

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IT TURNED OUT, as far as victories went, punching Pierce had been a fleeting one. Kai was refusing to let go of his confidence, but there was no denying that seeing Chloe walk in the opposite direction when he entered the room stung a little. He knew he had done the right thing by defying Cain, although perhaps he had done so a tad impulsively, but it felt only wrong to watch how he and Chloe backtracked on all the progress they had made.

At the very least, she hadn't come for his dogs, so Kai tried to keep his head up high.

The same couldn't be said for the rest of the team he had grown to care about. Charlotte was still spiraling, understandably, and Lucifer was beginning to fall into the same void of disorientation and nonsense — asking him why proved impossible when he continued to vanish for days on end, too. With Chloe and Pierce huddled up in their own little bubble that evolved more and more untouchable by the second, Izzy out of work, and Dan busy following Charlotte around, Kai was left alone with Ella. Not that he had any complaints, though.

"How do you keep your lab so clean?" he wondered, genuinely astonished as he swept his finger across Ella's shiny table, "I could really use some tips."

Lifting a curious eyebrow, Ella suppressed a smile while looking at her computer. "Is that all you could use some tips on?" she questioned, clearly not oblivious to the tension between Kai and Chloe, not to mention Pierce, who was keeping the Nolan busy with cases, leaving him barely any time to work on his friendships. Well, other than Ella, that was — waiting for lab results was hardly tedious when he had the Lopez to talk to.

Luckily, he didn't need to open about what he had already shared with Dr. Martin the previous night when he was noticing an exhausted Dan dragging himself into the lab. "You're not looking so hot there, Danny", he cleared his throat to avoid Ella's topic of choice. He had dwelled on it enough, anyway, and seeing Chloe and Pierce sneak into evidence lockers hand in hand was all the torture he could take for one day.

"Charlotte, man", Dan breathed out as he slumped against Ella's table and groaned. "I don't know what's gotten into her, but she is determined to party every night", he continued, earning a grimace from Kai who did know what was pestering the woman as of late.

He couldn't exactly blame her, but he wasn't sure why he hadn't freaked out in the same way. To be fair, he hadn't been body-snatched by a celestial being, but nevertheless. He supposed it was kind of amazing, having friends in both high and low places, and from what he had gathered, Lucifer had a few neat tricks he refused to call superpowers — but they definitely sounded like superpowers, and how was Kai supposed to deny the awesomeness of that?

"Whatever it is, I'm sure she'll come to terms with it", Kai cleared his throat vaguely, slipping in a smile as he rested a hand on Dan's shoulder for solidarity, "you're being a 10+ boyfriend for sticking it out with her, too."

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