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Alexander just came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, I didn't have time to ravish him with my eyes because of the noises I was hearing from afar, I think Alex heard it too and my suspicion was confirmed when he had that dizzy looks we get when mindlinking, he looks upset...I guess what ever is going on must be bad,, and then I heard it..

"I came for a challenge"... Is someone trying to challenge my mate for his position??

Alex what's wrong, am now standing close to him, he tried to act calm and masked his feelings but nothing crosses me without my notice..

Nothing to worry yourself, I'll just go out there and will be right back, you can use the bathroom...okay..

He quickly got dressed and stepped out while I watched him, he left and I followed behind, I can be a walking dead if I want to, I guess those lessons weren't a waste, I also masked my scent

He must be out of his mind to think I'll go take a shower when my mate is under a threat...

I maintained my distance and followed him to the boarder, a normal wolf wouldn't have heard a word from such distance and an alpha will have difficulty in doing that but I wasn't a regular creature...

At the clearing I could see the beta and other patrol officers,, I could tell them from the strange wolf because every pack carries a bit of the alpha's scent, I also noticed the man standing across was an alpha with his worriors.

Alpha Williams what are you doing in my pack land without permission.. Alexander's voice spoke venom and I know why..Williams is a hot headed alpha that loves to destroy the weak, his type, I waste no time to kill cause I'll be doing the world a huge favor...I have heard a lot about him, how he challenges alphas and instead of killing them he collectes tribute from Them, you might think that is better but it's worst than been dead, alphas are full of pride and that pride is the main life line, stepping on it by ordering them about never ends well and they end up committing sucide..

Cases like this makes you wonder why on Earth do we have elders and an annual alpha meeting, I see no use of them, although I have never attended, they didn't even have the guts to find out why, they are just doing it for traditional sake and not for the betterment of the wolves.. Williams voice interrupted my thought..

Don't be like that Alexander, I only came to pay you a visit,,..

Only a fool will believe those words, you stepping into my land this way is an act of challenge

Perfect, you got me, I was trying to aquire more lands and made a whole lot of research, I came to talk business but I heard a better news, gossip spreads across the woods you know.. congratulations alpha on finding your mate..

Williams is a sick bastard, his eyes glitter when he speaks like a 5year old girl talking about her passion..

I want a challenge, a death challenge

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