Timmy quickly shook her head, snapped from her own thought. Noticing her phone rang, she answered, hearing Gary's voice.

"Any cool comics?" She heard him.

"How's about I slap you with Mariposa Forever?" Gary laughed at her reply.

"I guess you still like that stuff huh? Well, I checked up some things and I remembered you like Chip Skylark?"

The buck-toothed brunette likes the teen sensational idol. Unlike other selfish and self-centered singers, Chip Skylark is the nicest. He never live in luxury, only using his earning for donations to orphans, disabled people and overseas to victims from terrorism or war. He even cared for his fans just as how Michael Jackson did. In fact, Timmy always dreamed of being just like him. The teen idol.

"Yeah, what about him?" She asked as she paid for the comic book.

"I heard from Cosmo and Wanda the new album has been released yesterday. Along with the collaboration of him and this teen rockstar Embrose McLain."

"I'M BUYING THAT!" Timmy said excitedly, left the store as soon as she grabbed her comic.

"Ay." Gary rolled his eyes, hung up the phone.

In a music store, Timmy looked through the CDs of pop music. She ignored the KPOP section, finding most of them less catchy than older ones, then stopped as she saw the collaboration CD album of Chip Skylark and Embrose McLain; "Remember My Voice". It had only three copies left and she was lucky enough to grab one, then she noticed another hand grabbed second.


Timmy turned to see Vernon, one of the popular kids from her school. Fellow junior model as Tristan, but less popular. He still have inferior complex, envying Tristan's popularity but it is outweighed by his sympathy towards the brunette who have been bullied and rejected by her former crush. Due to pressure from his parents, Vernon is afraid of gaining weight even though he looked charming as his "friend".

"Vernon Star?" She blinked.

The blond looked around with concern, then stared back to her.

"...you like Chip Skylark?" He asked, a bit meekly.

"Yeah. So you too, huh." She saw him nodded.

"... I'll pay for yours, it kind of seem expensive," seeing her frowning, he quickly added, "I-I didn't mean that you're poor! Uhh... it's just that since we both have same favorite singer and—"

Wanting to hear his thoughts, Timmy secretly read his mind as Poof's rattle quietly sparkled granting her wish.

'I just sound like real snob! She will hate me!! I can't talk or think properly in front of cute brunette! She makes me feel so nervous!!!' Vernon's mind rang wildly as his face grew red.

'Oh god. The anorexic and nervous one still likes me.' She thought.

"Oh, it's fine. I understand what you mean. But no thanks." Timmy replied, holding the CD case of new album and paid for it by the counter.

'At least I'm not dealing with Tang.' She sighed.

Oh how wrong she was.

While walking the second floor, Tristan noticed a familiar brunette with "bunny tooth", Timantha Turner.

'Oh! That's Timmy Turner.' His thought sparkled a little.

He remembered clearly how she used to try to impress him since forever. His eyes lowered in guilt when he remembered how he cruelly rejected her in front of everyone in his birthday party. The girl was expressing how she truly cared and liked him for who he was, yet he chose to be kept in his fake exterior and popularity by breaking her heart.

'I guess I should talk to her.'

Tristan walked up to her, smiling.

"Hi! Timmy Turner, right? I didn't know you'd be here~!"

She only looked at him.

'Ta-dah~! How is it? Maybe a best day you ever had~? I talked to you first, after all, which is one thing I never did before. You'd be so touched~ I'm still a perfect and nice, popular boy—'

Before he could finish his though, Timmy walked away, completely ignoring him.

"Annoying." Timmy spat, in irritated tone, leaving Tristan stood speechless.

However, it wasn't easy for her to be away from him. As Tristan denied "being ignored" by one girl. He kept talked and followed her, even try to held her hand but she avoided. Seeing the crowd, she formed an idea as she merged in. But that lead to another step of conflict. As he saw Vick's little brother and her former(?) Stalker, Toot.

'Uh oh... if he sees me, he'd see Tristan. And I have to acknowledge that he EXISTS.' Timmy frowned as she went deep in a crowd, 'I wish I was outside the mall.'

And Poof waved his rattle, granted her wish before Toot can notice her.

"Huh...?" Toot tilted his head, "I had a feeling Timmy was here..."

Even Tristan was confused as well.

"Where did she go...?" Tristan looked around.

Timmy sighed, stood outside the mall as Poof peeked out from her bag.

"Timmy...?" Poof tilted his head, worried, his head gently patted by her hand.

'Weird... I thought I just saw her went through the crowd...did I just saw things?' Tristan wondered, the paused, '...wait. So it means, I was hallucinating her all along?!'

His cheeks began to turn pink. Tristan felt his heart beating inside, feeling the great, hot intensity reaching to thousand degrees as the sun.

'Could it be... that,' Tristan bit his lips, 'I like her...?'

But one person was less than pleased of that.

'... No [CENSORED] Tang.' Timmy cringed.

Fairly Odd Life of Timantha TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now