" Is that guy your friend Eliana ? "

" N-no I don't know him. "

I'm glad that he didn't speak some topics about him because I don't have any idea on how I'll answer those questions and I don't have 'to because we're totally strangers.

Joel is enjoying his coffee that I insist to give to him earlier when we have our swift drive to my school. I tell him to do anything he want while I'm gone and just check his phone if I texted him or not to go back here and also to drive me back home.

The guard doesn't ask my identity, as for sure he knows who I am and he can definitely see me here going in and out everyday when we have class.

When Zein saw me she's suddenly pale however her colors came back that fast but her eyes can't escape how sad and tired she is.

" Hey, do you have any problem ? "

Zein is quite shock by my sudden question but why though, even though I know that she keeps that secret I'm her bestfriend no matter what. That I will forget everything for her to be okay even something keeps bugging me that is connected to her.

I'll set that aside, for her.

" Why would you even ask that, this is Zein hello? "

I laugh as I saw how sarcastic she is but deep down I was sadden by her sudden answer. She tell me everything before but I guess she weren't ready for that conversation so it's ok.

" How about you, are you doing fine? "

" Yes. " Ofcourse not. I said it like it's my  finality so Zein root for more, you'll know.

" I mean I love what I do lately like "

" Oh please Ely the only thing you love is drawing tss "

" I've been having fun helping my parents about business lately. "

I interrupt her to avoid some things I should not think about anymore, I can risk my passion for it. For myself atleast.

" What the hell do you mean? "

" I risk my dream 'just to cancel that nonsense wedding. "

" I'm literally shocked. "

" I guess? "

I answer Zein without giving glances to 'wave my hand hello to the people who's greeting me loudly. Most of them are the junior high with some students I am not sure what grade they're.

I bid my goodbye to them before we can reach the hallway to the office of the administrator to enroll. When we get there I knocked the door slowly because Zein is talking with her former classmates that came out of the office just a few moments earlier.

I give my genuine smile to her classmates and get inside first since they will have their long talk now. The room is cold as the air-conditioner is on and how I felt bad because I want to doze of my mood with some sun.

The lady stand up immediately as she saw me approach the office. She offer me a spare chair to sit into so that I can be comfortable signing and filling some forms and such.

She is wearing a dark red corporate attire with her hair tied up to a bun that makes her look intimidating yet the way she looks at me makes me think differently. Her smile never leave her cheeks until now.

" So you're now in the last year of senior highschool right? "

She said as she flip some pages in her info notebook. She also make some calls with her associate but I look away to give her privacy. And exactly Zein budge and open the door with her so called sorry smile.

Odd Deceits ( Ongoing Story )Where stories live. Discover now