The Ritual

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It was early in the morning at the boy's dorm of class 2-A, two people were awake to this time of day. The first one to wake up was Midoriya because he was assigned to make breakfast, and the second one to wake up was the midget with a purple balls for a hair was known as Mineta. He was knocking to his friends door with a bag on his back and an old mysterious book to his hands.

Mineta: *knocks 3x* Hey Kaminari! are you awake yet? Come on dude, wake up already.

The door was slowly opened by a yellow haired teenager with black line on his hair. He was rubbing his tired eyes cause of the sudden disturbance of the little grapist.

Kaminari: *sigh* dude it's early in the morning, can't we do this later?

He crosses his arms to his chest and then looked at the local midget with his still tired eyes.

Mineta: Hello there! Have you heard of our lord and saviour, Jesu-


Mineta: Dude! We're doing this for our dream of becoming the Ultimate Harem King!! I didn't even sleep well because i was busy thinking of all the busty demon girls that we're about to summon today!!

Kaminari: Like i said, it's early in the morning. Can't we do this after breakfast i haven't even eaten breakfast yet.

Kaminari was about to leave his room to eat breakfast but suddenly he got tackled by the local midget, sending the electric user to the floor back to his room. Mineta landed on top of blonde grabbing him on the collar.

Kaminari: Oof! What the hell are you-

Mineta: Our Breakfast can wait! For now, it's time for us to summon some sexy demons!!

Kaminari: Okay! okay, we'll do the thing just get off me!

Mineta quickly get himself off to Kaminari. He then get his bag behind his back and started to get all of things needed to start the ritual.

Kaminari: Wow, you really prepared for this Didn't you?

Mineta: Yeah i did! i was so excited yesterday so i already got all the things needed for this. I even read all the things written in this book that we found some days ago.

He holds onto the old grimoire with both of his hands, he showed it to the blonde.

Kaminari: I can't believe that the person who owned that would just threw the book away. i mean, this book has real magic! I remember the first time we used magic and it was awesome!

Mineta: That time when we used magic to Midoriya?

Kaminari: yep! that's the one!

( Flashback )

Mineta: is he coming out?

Kaminari: yeah, he said he'll be coming out of his room in a sec.

They we're infront of Izuku's room door waiting for the greenette to come out of his room. Mineta was holding some weird black powder in a little sack that he made with the help of the book. then suddenly the door was opened, coming out of the door is Izuku. He saw the peverted duo and tried greeting them keyword tried.

Izuku: Hey Gu-

Mineta: YEEEET!!

Without any hesitation, Mineta quickly threw some of the black powder onto Izuku's face making him cough.

Izuku: *cough* what *cough* was *cough* tha-

Izuku suddenly stopped talking, his pupils widened cause of the black powder that was thrown to him.

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