Chapter 8

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Hey everyone thank you for reading my story I appreciate it very much I hope you enjoyed it far.


I woke up the next day feeling better than I did last night, I was starting to trying to get over Luca today. The night before I had all the time in the world to cry and this morning I should start afresh.

So I did spent my day very productively, I went shopping for work clothes and groceries. I will admit I got some sexy outfits just to prove a point to Luca. He can see but can't touch. Which would make him go crazy and when he makes his move I'll just reject him, simple. He wont know what hit him.

I went home and I then called my favorite cousin from my fathers side and told he that we should meet up soon, I miss her a lot, we haven't met up for a while. Last time was New Years and now it was already July, so like seven months, it's been ages. We agreed to meet up soon.

I spent the rest of the day listening to music and watched a few Netflix movies. I had supper and I went to sleep early.

I woke up on the Sunday and cleaned up and then I went to the library to get a book because I loved reading. I got a few books and went home. I read a whole book in 2 hours and in the book there was a part that had a party happening and then I remembered the anniversary party we had. So when I finished the book I started planning again, I have to finish books because it leaves me curious on what is happening next and I get distracted by it.

I got everything I needed done and I got a few people that were helping me with everything and I was done planning I just needed to take action in a few weeks time.

I called Derek and told him about the party and then I called Melissa and invited them both, since Mr. Valentino said that I could invite two people and I also told them that they could bring plus ones. Then I just relaxed, 'this was going to be the best party Luca has ever been to.' I thought while grinning like a fool. I also called them over.

They came and we watched a movies on Netflix and chilled out. We enjoyed our night took selfies and put it on social media. And played bored games and we even spoke of the party.

I went to bed and Melissa joined me Derek stayed on the couch and we all slept peacefully.

The next morning I was woken up by my alarm I showered and got ready for work in one of those sexy dresses I bought. I woke Melissa and Derek up and went to work.

I got to work and did the usual but I didn't avoid Luca today. I went in his office to give him his latte and get the schedule done. I knocked on the door and entered. He wasn't looking up yet, I greeted him and he looked up "Good Mor-..." his words got stuck in his throat and he gulped I seen his Adams apple going up and then down, damn my weakness in a guy.

I then left his latte on his desk and sat down and he started giving me details on what to do. "Set a meeting with Mr. Anderson for tomorrow."he began. " Oh, sorry sir, I forgot my pencil in my office mind if I borrow one of yours." I said while pointing at his pencil holder with a bunch of pencils inside on his desk. "Yes, you can use one." He said.

I reached over and made sure some of my cleavage showed to him enough to wonder but not too much. He then shifted and adjusted his pants, I smirked in my mind at that. And then I started writing and he continued speaking. When he was done I got up and started leaving his office.

I made sure to deliberately drop his pencil. I picked it up and my dress wasn't that short so I flashed nothing, while I was picking it up I heard a sharp intake of breath. I got up and turned around and I went back to him to return the pencil. "Sorry I forgot to give it back sir." I said innocently. " I-i-it's fine Ms. Grey." He started stuttering then quickly pulled himself back together quickly. I just turned around and smirked. I went to my office and sat in my chair and did my work.

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