Chapter 7

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I unlocked the door and went out to Anthony he looked good in his black suit, his hair was slicked back and he waited with a wide smile. I greeted him and he told me that I looked beautiful, and I thanked him and said that he looked handsome.

We left to the restaurant when we got there I realised that it was an upper class restaurant that I knew I would never be able to afford to pay for.

Anthony gave the valet his car keys and came to my side and opened the door of his black Lamborghini Galado. He put out his hand for me to take and I accepted it with a smile.

We went inside and Anthony said that he already had a reservation which we were led to. We both sat down and a waiter approached us and asked which drinks we wanted and we got red wine and he left to get our order.

"Soooo Arianna what can you tell me about yourself?"he asked curiously.

"Well there is not much to tell, I'm just a simple girl that got lucky enough to work at Valentino corp that's all." Which was the truth I had no life.

" Why do I find that hard to believe?" He asked disbelievingly. "Is it that hard to believe that I am nothing special?"

"Yes it is." He said with a shrug of his shoulders. You are very beautiful sure you had interesting things happening in your life it can't be that simple.

"It is, how about you tell me about yourself rather." I said, there is not much to tell about me anyways.

"Uh, I don't know what to say." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. " Exactly, how was I supposed to answer that question if you can't."I said while giggling. Just then the waiter arrived with our drinks and he poured for us in our glasses each. I thanked him and he asked for our order.

I looked at the menu and my eyes widened at the prices of the food this was way too expensive. I'll just have to use my savings to pay for this. I ordered the cheapest thing I could which had something to do with chicken while Anthony ordered some steak meal.

"Anything else you would like?" The waiter asked. " No thanks." We both replied. And the waiter left. "Okay I'll try to more specific with my questions then." He then said.

" That's fine ask away." We then asked and answered questions to eachother and the waiter came to give our orders and we ate and spoke.

Anthony was a very funny person he made jokes all night long. And then he said the most funniest joke yet and I started laughing so hard that my eyes started to water. Just then when I stopped I seen Mr. Valentino taking a seat with a 'lady friend' of his and I stopped laughing immediately and straightened up. He was already looking at me with his famous glare and I just quickly looked away.

Anthony asked what was wrong and I said that it was nothing and we continued talking. He carried on with his cheesy jokes that I found so funny.
Everytime I would look up my eyes would find Luca and he would already be looking my way. I tried to ignore it but it was very difficult so I made an excuse of going to the bathroom.

I went in and went to the sink to wash my face I avoided washing the make-up off and I seen my flushed cheeks in the mirror. I waited till my cheeks went back to it normal colour and decided to go back to Anthony.

On my way out of the bathroom I got pinned to the wall, I looked up to see it was Luca. 'What does he want with me now?' I asked myself. He looked quite angry, I wonder why but it is nothing new he always gets angry for the smallest things so it doesn't really matter.

"Arianna you are testing my patience right now!" He said booming. " What did I do to you that tested your patience Mr. Valentino" I said pissed off and I made sure to emphasise on his surname. "And this is my time off work Mr. Valentino, so you have no right to tell me what to do." He should know that he can't boss me around in every aspect of my life.

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