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Chapter Song: On Our Way by Radical Face

~Track 1 on 'New Beginnings' (made by Alex)

~ Three Years Later~


Webster cursed as she brushed the snowflakes off her shoulder. Of course, just her luck, she had come to Baltimore in freaking Winter when it just had to be cold and snowing. She had practically come to America for Christmas to escape the cold wrath of Ireland, but alas, it was like she had brought the cold with her.

As she walked down the frost bitten path of Thames Street, all she really wanted was to sit down and have a warm cup of tea, but the only café around was Starbucks, and Starbucks had shitty tea.

So when she spotted a cute little café with fairy lights glowing from the windows, she felt like Christmas had come early.

She felt herself start to speed walk over to the glowing building, a weird feeling washing over her as she stepped inside of it.

The place felt so familiar.

Like coming home.

But as she stepped inside and let the warmth seep into her bones, she brushed the odd feeling aside.

She felt her eyes scan over the café, searching for an empty seat. She groaned when she realised that the shop was full, literally, every table over-flowing with people.

"Looking for seat? There's one by the window, you know."

Webster snapped out of her daze as a young girl's voice filled her head.

"Uhmm...pardon?" she asked, confusion coming over her.

"The window seat. I'll take you to it, if you want."

Webster stared down at the girl, her eyes squinting.

The girl looked so familiar. Blonde plaits, a glint in her eyes....

"So what's your name?" the girl asked, flipping open a notebook.

Webster frowned.

"I thought that was a Starbucks thing?"

The girl laughed. She had to be only thirteen years old.

"I guess, but we take your name so we can be like, be more friendly you know? Well, that's what Alex said, but I think he's just searching for.....well....never mind. Come with me."

Webster felt her heart miss a beat at the mention of a name that made her wonder.....


He wouldn't be here.

He was probably on the other side of the world now, maybe an echo of him left somewhere in Baltimore for her to find.

She stumbled after the girl, feeling a bit like a gobshite, squeaking as she tripped over her own foot.

The girl sent her a funny look from over her shoulder and Webster tried to keep it causal by waving brightly.

"Well....errrr....here's you're table ma'am."

She nodded and sat down,

"So what would you like? Coffee? Mint ice-cream? Our baker, Zack, also makes these awesome cupcakes." the girl asked, once again pulling out her notebook.

"Uhmm....just tea please." mumbled Webster, maybe a little too awkwardly.

"Tea, eh? Well we've got plenty of that. One hundred percent irish tea too. Alex ships the stuff in like it's going to run out if he doesn't. Maybe he's hoping that she'll show up..." the girl sighed, scribbling in her notebook.

Webster nodded, her mind not really concentrating on the conversation, but on the name tag pinned on to the girl's chest.

Amelia Crawford.

That name sounded familiar.....

"Soooo...tea! Oh! And your name! I need to give you a name tag!" the girl laughed, shaking her head.

"It's uhm....it's Webster." she mumbled quietly.

The girl froze and looked up at Webster, her eyes as round as saucers.

"Did you just...oh my God...." the girl looked up at Webster as if she were from another planet.

"Webster Walker. You are Webster Walker, right?" the girl demanded, her eyes blazing.

Webster nodded, strangely scared of the girl's reaction.

"I-I am her. I mean...yeah I'm Webster."

"You know what? I'll be riiiiiight back." the girl said, her voice high and her eyes as wide as her mouth could be.

She dashed off before Webster could say another word.

Well that was odd. Webster thought to herself.

She started to drum her fingers against the table, her mind wandering off into her thoughts.

Travelling the world had been awesome. She had met some incredible people, done some incredible things, but after all these years she still felt an ache for something or someone who she had left behind in St.Anne's park a few years ago.....

God, she was crazy for still thinking about him after all this time. For all she knew, he could have moved on by now, living in some fancy house with a fancy new girl.

That was probably exactly what he was doing.

She could nearly picture him, laughing over a dinner table, sipping wine and kissing another pair of lips between the sheets.

She sighed and started to play with the sugar mill on the table.

Maybe that was what had drove her back to Baltimore. Maybe that was why she was sitting alone in a random café that was packed with people.

She started to look around the cafe, her mind curious as to know why it was so busy. People were practically queueing to get in.

There were pictures of numerous bands and famous figures on the wall, from Kurt Cobain to John Lennon, the place was filled with musical legends.

But not only were the musical legends on the walls, they were also playing them out loud too.

There was no mistaking the first few riffs of Dumpweed by Blink-182 that was playing softly in the background.

She hadn't listened to Blink-182 in ages.

Probably because it made her think of him, and then she'd start to cry because she missed him so much and he was gone because she let him go.

"One cup of tea for a girl named Webster."

Webster blinked, and looked up and saw the girl with the blonde plaits sliding a tray onto the table.

The girl started to walk away as Webster started to frantically search for her purse.

"Wait! How much do I owe you?" she yelled after her. The girl stopped in her tracks and whirled around, a smile plastered across her face.

"It's on the house." she said with a wink and then she skipped off before Webster could even argue.

After a few minutes of confusion, she shrugged and looked down at her tray, too occupied to give the girl's actions a second thought.

But the tray had more than a cup of tea on it.

It had a steaming mug of tea on it.

It had a bowl full of skittles and popcorn on it.

And it had a playlist on it.

She stared down at the playlist, her mouth open in utter bewilderment, because even after all this time, she just couldn't believe it.

And then, just like pieces of a puzzle fitting into each other, like the world falling into place, like the sun coming out after the storm, Webster felt everything in her life click.

And that was when she knew.

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