Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Song: Let Her Go by Passenger

~Track 10 on 'I'm Sorry' (made by Alex)


His heart was pounding in his chest when he walked into the hospital, the familiar scent of hand sanitizer and soap greeting him like an old friend. He started to walk briskly up to the reception desk, his palms starting to sweat.

Clump! Clump! Clump!

The sound of his heavy boots against the tiles echoed around the whole hall. He felt like he was going to get sick. Beads of sweat had started to drip down his forehead, the room was spinning, and all he could think about us her.

Is this how it felt like to be scared?

If this was fear, then Alex was feeling it right now.

Clump! Clump! Clump!

He was nearly at the desk.

Clump! Clump! Clump!

"I need to see Webster Walker."

The blink of confusion off the reception lady.

The judgemental eyes as she took in his apperance.

"Webster Walker, hm? And who might you be to this girl?" the woman sighed, picking up a pen and scanning through the list of patients.


What was he to Webster?

Friends wasn't enough, but they weren't exactly lovers, and there was no point in lying about being her brother because he was sure the snobby secretary was sure to catch him out and have him banned from the hospital altogether.

"I'm Alex Gaskarth....I'm...I'm a close friend." he blurted out.

The woman snorted.

"Well Mister Gaskarth, I'm afraid that your close friend Webster Walker, is not on the list."

Alex felt his jaw drop open.

"T-There has to be some mistake! She's in here! She's only after waking up from a coma!" he stammered, his voice sounding choked up.

The woman rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but your hysterical state is making me consider calling security-"

"No! Don't you dare!" he hissed, making her smirk disappear.

" are causing a scene."

"I'm not leaving until I see Webster Walker." he said calmly, keeping his temper at bay.


He whirled around and saw Gretchen, the pretty nurse who had looked after him when he had gotten his stomach pumped.

The nurse who had sneaked Webster in to see him.

"Gretchen! You have to tell them to let me in to see Webster now! Please I-"

"Alex....Webster....she's not here anymore."

He froze, his heart plummeting to the very bottom of his stomach. It felt like someone had just pierced him with a blade made of ice.

"What?" he breathed, his eyes staring at the blue eyed nurse.

"She woke up from her coma...and something was wrong...something to do with her speech and her legs...they were talking about sending her back home, back to Ireland because there's nothing left we can do for her here."

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