Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Song: All I Want by Kodaline

~Track 1 on 'Sad Songs For Crying To' (made by Webster)

(Quick A/N: Okay I am begging you guys to go and listen to this song because it fits this chapter so well, and I wrote this chapter while listening to song because it works so well!)


He would like to say that he didn't see the car fly through the red traffic lights, that he didn't see Webster wheel into the middle of the road, desperately trying to get away from him.

That he didn't see the car smack right into her.

That he didn't see her fly through the air and smash on to the ground like a comet shooting out of space and crash landing into the middle of the road.

That he didn't see her blood like scattered red teardrops on the road right now.

It had all happened so fast.

In seconds he was beside her, on his knees, leaning over her un-moving body, tears falling down his face like a waterfall.

All his fault.

It was all his fault.

Sirens wailed in the backgound as people started to scream at the sight of Webster. Blood was pouring from her everywhere.

But Alex ignored the sirens, the screams, the cries of women who had no idea.

Nothing mattered more than her right now.


"Webster....." he whispered, slowly reaching out to brush her curly hair out out of he face. It was sticking to her forehead because of the blood.

"C-Come on. I know you're a-alright." he sniffed, using his jumper to wipe away the blood dripping from her nose.

His tears were splashing on to her face. He didn't know what to do. For once in his fucking messed up life, Alex didn't know what to do.

The sirens were louder now, and when he heard the screeching of tires coming to halt, he knew that the ambulance had arrived.

"Webster, listen to me. You are not going to die on me. You are not going to leave me alone." he sobbed. She didn't move. She didn't even open up he eyes. Her glasses were gone, probably lying somwhere on the road, smashed and broken.

"Listen to me. Everything I said to you five minutes ago, it was all bullshit. I was just hurt...." he trailed off as a new wave of tears washed over him, making his vision blurred.

"When I kissed you, it was because I wanted to kiss you, not because I felt sorry for you. I wanted to kiss you Webster. I still want to kiss you."

Sad words from a broken soul, that's all that was coming out of him.

It's funny how little words mean when you're a little too late.

That's when the string of promises started to pour out of him like they were never going to stop.

"I don't want you to leave me. I don't want a life without you in it. If you wake up, I promise I'll never complain about listening to One Direction ever again. I promise that we can cosplay as Harry and Ginny like you wanted us to. I promise that we can eat skittles and popcorn all the time while you tell me about your nerdy habits..."

He went on to promise her the world if she woke up, not that it was his to give, but if it meant that she would come back to him, he would do it.

"Sir, we need you to let go of the girl now." huffed one of the doctors as they approached him. He clutched Webster's body tighter towards him. No way was he letting her go.

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