Chapter 16: Back Home

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The beaming hot sun shines down on to my skin as Rick escorts me through Alexandria. I feel like I'm doing the walk of shame when I pass all the townsfolk. To them I'm the enemy but little do they know I actually care about this place.

The woman named Rosita opens the gates when she sees us approaching. My eyes go directly to my father standing side by side with the other Saviors. They look exhausted but angry.

"Here she is, now show us Carl", Rick shouts to my dad from a distance.

He grins at the sight of me then motions for Dwight to get Carl out of the truck. The atmosphere is tense as the boy is fetched from the vehicle.

A small sigh of relief comes from Rick, then he lets me go. I run as fast as my body will allow me into my father's arms. He holds me close then tells Dwight to let Carl return to his people.

He kisses me on the forehead and expresses his love for me in a low voice. It's not like him to be like this in public but this situation is different. We've never gone through anything of this nature. It almost makes me cry to think about how bad this could've ended.

When the love fest is over, he searches me up and down for any injury but he finds something else instead. His nose crinkles as he sniffs me.

"What the fuck did you do to her?", he moves me to the side and yells over to Rick.

"What are you talking about? No one laid a hand on her" Rick looks at him and rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"She's high, look at her", my dad continues to demand answers and all I can do is bite my nails.
It's the weed. He can probably smell it all over me not to mention the redness in my eyes.

"Dad..", I grab his arm to break the news to him but he is too focused on accusing Rick.

"Shh baby girl, let me handle this", he hushes me.

The Alexandrians begin to take a defensive stance. They draw their guns and rush Carl to safety. "Don't point the finger at us, she was like that when we found her. Seems like you need to have a talk with your men", he explains with less patience than before.

My dad turns to me with quickness, "Is that true Elena?" the concern in his voice is undeniable.

I nod because I can't bring myself to say it out loud. It becomes evident to everyone that there's been a misunderstanding.

"You have her back now leave", Daryl adds to the conversation.

I watch first hand as the realization comes to my father's face. He readjusts his leather jacket and swallows his pride, "That was the deal, and I'm a man of my word but don't think this is over".

He motions for his men to go back to their vehicles. The Saviors obey his command and peacefully make their exit.
The beginning of our travel home is silent, I can tell my dad is thinking of how to approach the situation but finally he does.

"You want to start explaining what happened and why you're high?", He asks me though he keeps his eyes on the road.

"Someone at the Satellite outpost gave me weed", I tell him the truth without a second thought.

"Where was Brandon when all this happened?", He inquires deeper into the dilemma. Brandon was someone he trusted so this has to come as a shock.

"Sleep", is all I say.

His eyes show a fire in them, I knew he wasn't going to be happy about this.

"Is he still alive?", I wonder since the last time I saw him he was shot.

"Yeah, lucky bastard. Only three of my guys survived the attack. He was bleeding pretty bad but he's patched up now." his grip gets tighter on the steering wheel.

With so much going on with me being kidnapped I never stopped to think about what actually happened at the satellite outpost. Alexandria attacked us, my dad has every right to feel vengeful. "What are you going to do about Alexandria?", I ask him though I'm fearful of the answer.

He glances over at me, "I don't know yet sweetpea, getting you back was my first priority but trust me they're going to pay for this".

Whatever plan he's going to come up with is going to be huge. I know my father when someone messes with me it's game over for them.

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