Chapter 15: Alexandria (part 2)

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My eyes flutter open slowly, and everything is a blur. The urge to stretch my arms comes to me but I'm reminded that I'm tied up. My body struggles against the rope to no avail.

My escape attempt catches someone's attention. The sound of footsteps travels down the hallway and the door swings open to show a man.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just here to make sure you don't do anything stupid", he explains with a southern accent.

If my memory serves me right, the man's name is Daryl. I've definitely seen him when I came to Alexandria with my dad.

"I want to go home", I say to him.

He shakes his head, "you're stuck here until Negan shows up and surrenders Carl"

Him implying that Carl is being held against his will makes me defensive, "Carl doesn't want to come home" I tell him with attitude.

His eyes narrow and his body tenses, "Who the hell are you to say that?" he steps towards me in anger.

Seeing his reaction makes me instantly regret saying anything. I don't want to get myself hurt so I stare blankly at the ground.

A small chuckle comes from him, "Not talking is the best thing you can do. I'm tired of hearing you and your dad's bullshit"

I immediately get uncomfortable at the mention of my father. Bad things happen when he's brought up, I just want to get away from this guy. I know the perfect excuse, "I have to use the bathroom" I put on my innocent-sounding voice.

He pauses for a moment than unties me from the bed, "Don't try anything", he says near my ear then pulls me to the bathroom across the hall.

"If I hear anything suspicious I'm coming in", he warns me. 

I nod my head then close the door. It is reliving to be freed but my circumstances remain the same. I'm pretty sure everyone hates me but it's understandable considering everything that's transpired.

I don't stay in the bathroom for long. I take a ten-minute breather but I know I have to get back out there. I open the door slowly and of course, Daryl is still standing there. He grabs me again and leads me back to the bed.

"You got a mama?" he asks while he's tying me.

The irrelevant questions push old feelings up but I bottle the emotions. Right now isn't the time for me to rehash everything so I keep my silence.

"What we're you doing at the satellite outpost anyways?" he continues to dig into my life.

"visiting with a friend", I simply answer him without providing details.

"I'm surprised Negan lets you out of his sight. He seems like he would be a strict parent"

I'm amazed he can read my dad so well, "Usually, he doesn't but this time was different" 

We both share a stare then the man abruptly leaves. I guess he got what he wanted out of me, though I don't think I said anything incriminating.

Daryl is a mystery. He's the hardest to understand out of everyone in Alexandria.
Minutes pass when I hear a conversation between a couple of voices. I can't make up who these people are apart from Rick.

"Where is she? Negan is going to want revenge!", an unknown male voice says.

Rick confidently vows that it won't happen that way. "No, he won't. He'll be thankful to have her back safe and sound"

The unknown man gets louder and more panicked, "You took a girl hostage to get back at her father!" his shouts echo through the house.

I can't help but be a tab bit delighted at their dysfunction. I keep listening quietly to their argument.  

"No, I didn't, she wasn't supposed to be at the satellite station. It's a miracle she didn't get shot during the raid", Rick stays true to his point.

"Let me talk to her", the man demands.

My heart races when I hear that this person is going to talk to me. Most people here are decent but I can't help but feel in danger in this unfamiliar place.

My eyes dart over to the door when the man enters. I can't hide my fear when I notice his missing arm replaced with metal.

"We talked to your dad, he knows you're safe. He's coming to get you but I need you to tell me about your people's plans", he speaks to me from the opposite side of the room.

"I don't know anything", I tell him the truth of the situation.

"Don't lie. We're not like your people, no one is going to hurt you. I understand none of this is your fault"

The man's expression changes to one of empathy. I can see he doesn't want to do this but he feels like he has too.

I wish I had more to say but I don't. I'm clueless to many things that happen involving my dad, "I'm sorry but my dad leaves me out of stuff like that. If I knew anything I would tell you". 

The man is about to turn away when another person barges into the room. she's a woman, "You don't really believe her do you?" she angrily questions him.

"I don't know what to believe, Rosita", he looks back at me.

She doesn't buy anything that I'm saying. She pushes pass him and charges towards me, "Let me give it a try" she says before interrogating me.

"Listen, your dad has caused a lot of shit. He's not a good person. Tell us what you know so we can protect our family" she bends down to my face to intimidate me.

This Rosita chick seems like the type of person that will never believe me unless I tell her what she wants to hear. So I do what I think is right, I lie to her, "He doesn't have any plans to hurt you, he just wants a partnership between the communities" the words come out smoothly although they're completely false. My dad is going to be pissed after this and will definitely want revenge. 

She glances back at the man, then back to me, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, he doesn't want violence as long as everyone corporates", I continue to feed her the fake story.

"We'll see about that", she raises an eyebrow at me then leaves my presence taking the man along with her.

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