Chapter 12: Satellite Outpost (part 1)

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The next morning comes swiftly, after meeting Brandon for the first time I can say that he's decent but not my type. Still, my dad thinks he's perfect for me, so I have to play his game.

I pack up a small backpack for my travels, the trip will only be one day so I'm packing lightly. One extra outfit should be enough. Then I change out of my pajamas to shorts and a tank top, pretty much the same clothes I wore to Alexandria.

Now that I'm entirely ready, I stare into the mirror. I check myself out to make sure I'm presentable for the outside world.

I don't wait for my dad or Brandon to come to get me, I make my way outside to find both of them already speaking to each other. I stroll up and hear the end part of their conversation.

"You take care of my little girl, Brandon. Keep her close and don't let her out of your sight" My dad tells him without an ounce of worry or concern.

"I will sir. She'll be completely safe with me. You have nothing to worry about", Brandon reaches out for a handshake. He gladly accepts the gesture, "I know I can count on you. You haven't let me down yet".

He then acknowledges my presence, "And you be a good girl okay? Listen to what he says, he's responsible for making sure you come back home in one piece"

The way he says this rubs me the wrong way, Brandon doesn't have any right to tell me what to do. I want to be argumentative but all of this is for Carl. I have to bite my tongue at least for now, "Sure Dad. I'll see you tomorrow", I flash a fake smile.

He takes me into his arms, giving me the biggest bear hug ever, "Stay safe, Elena", his lips kiss me on the cheek. We both say our goodbyes then we can go on our merry way.

In the truck, it's only me and Brandon. we have only left the Sanctuary a couple of minutes ago but it feels like a lifetime, "How far away is this place?", I ask peering out the window as trees pass.

"A couple of hours", he replies.

There isn't much talking between the two of us but I try to keep the conversation going, "Is it secure like back home? I don't want to hear walkers at night when I'm trying to sleep, they're creepy"

He sighs and takes his eyes off the road for a quick second, "Already complaining and we haven't even got there yet just relax. It's safe, I promise."

I nod, although I won't believe him until I see for myself. I don't know much about the different outposts that my dad operates but from what he's told me, the Sanctuary is the best of all of them.
We arrive at a giant satellite station with a fence surrounding it. It's not huge but it does appear that it can hold a reasonable amount of people.

"At least it's not a shack", I look over to him with relief on my face.

"Yeah, it's alright but it's what's happening in the inside that matters", he says as he gets out the truck then comes to my aid.

He shows me to the entrance, I can hear so much racket going on from outside. When we get through the door, I witness the unusual scene. Everyone is so chill and lively, not stressed like they are back home.

"Rodney, how ya doing?", Brandon greets a long-bearded thin man standing across the room.

His eyes instantly light up, he rushes over, "Fucking great. The plants are growing nicely and they hit hard"

By plants, I assume they're referring to marijuana. supposedly they have a lot of that here but it doesn't really interest me. Getting high isn't something I've ever dreamed of.

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