Chapter 4: Small Talk

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Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Rays of sunlight travel through the window and blinds me. I sit up, throwing my feet off the bed, and rubbing my eyes.

Last night was rough, my old nightmares returned like they always do when someone brings up my mom.

Sherry was out of line for trying to use me to get back with her ex, but I still shouldn't have screamed at her. I want to apologize but I can't, I don't know if I could control my emotions around her, right now. The best thing I can do is avoid her until this all blows over.

Before getting ready for the day, I give myself a pep talk. It's seeming like it's more often that I need encouragement to be productive.

After a few moments of self-pity, I force myself out of bed and get dressed then I make my way downstairs and to the cafeteria for breakfast.

When I finish eating I go to find my Dad in his bedroom. I knock on the door, and he answers.

"Hey, Elena. You're just in time! Look who came to say hello" he swings the door open wider revealing the boy from Alexandria, Carl.

"This future serial killer took out two of my men!"

I stay quiet as Carl, and I stare each other down.

"Why?" I ask.

He doesn't answer.

I look back to my dad, wondering what he is going to do with him. My dad pulls me closer and whispers into my ear "I want you to talk to him, see what he'll tell you"

"What am I supposed to ask him?" I don't think Carl would trust me being that last time he almost killed me.

"Anything, I'm counting on you" he hugs me then walks out, leaving me alone with a psycho.

I'm not very good at being social. This is one thing that makes me and my dad so different. He can talk to anyone for hours about nothing, but I can barely start small talk.

"So... How's it going?" I sit down facing him.

His eyes stay focused on the ground.

"My dad won't hurt you I promise" I smile at him, but it goes unnoticed. "Come on, I don't like this any more than you do. Please just talk to me"

Carl lifts his head.

"What's with the eye patch?" I try prying him for the second time.

But still, he says nothing.

I'm almost out of options, so I try a nicer approach. I get up and sit next to him, placing my hand on top of his. "I know you don't trust me but if you give me a chance, I can-"

Suddenly I feel his lips push against mine. It's like magic. His mouth is so warm and the caress of his lips are softer than I could have ever imagined.

At this moment, common sense leaves me and all I can think about is how good it feels to be kissed for the first time.

His fingers drift to my hips and pull me closer, but I put my arms up and push him away.

"We have to stop" I manage to say overcoming my need for more of him.

"I like you, Elena" finally he speaks to me for the first time today. "I came to see you, I couldn't wait"

I stare deeply into his eyes, they are filled with passion and infatuation. His words sound sincere however I can't shake the thought that this might be some type of trick.

"How do I know you're not playing me?"

"I took the risk coming here, I didn't know what Negan was going to do but it was worth it"

"That's so sweet, Carl, but we have to get you out of here before my dad does something..... bad" I stand up and grab his arm pulling him with me towards the door.

I stick my head out into the hallway and look both ways, listening for footsteps. When I'm sure that no one is coming, we make a run for it downstairs.

"There's a hole in the fence behind the garden, you can go through there" I explain to him as we sprint through the sanctuary until we reach the outside.

"See, over there" I point "stay down and go quickly. No one will see you"

"Alright, that should work. Thanks, I know Negan is gonna give you hell for this" He reaches his arms out and hugs me.

"You're welcome, just promise me you won't come back here. I don't want you to get hurt"

"I won't, I promise" he smiles and gives me a wink

"Catch you later Elena" he then runs, making his escape.

I observe from a distance as he crawls through the fence and goes out through the other side.
"I'm sorry dad, he must've escaped when I went looking for you" I lie to him using my cutesy voice.

My dad is unpredictable when he's angry, I know I can't tell him the truth. If he knew that Carl and I have feelings for each other, he would never let me go to Alexandria again.

"How the fuck, could you let that happen, Elena?" He yells pacing back and forth.

"I didn't think he would do anything". I try to explain, but he just won't listen.

"This whole fucking place is on high alert! You better hope no more of my people end up dead because of your careless actions!" He storms out the room, slamming the door behind him.

My dad scares me when he gets like this, his temper is like a volcano erupting, He leaves a trail of destruction. If anybody tries to get in his way he will kill them.

Negan's Daughter | Carl Grimes X OC (COMPLETED ☑️)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz