The invitation

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Noah's POV

It's been more than a week since I received that mail. I haven't made a decision yet and I only have three days more to decide wether to go or not. I've been thinking about it and because of that I haven't slept well.
I was staring at my phone with my arms crossed when I got a message. It was Cody.

Cody: so... are you going?
Noah: Hey! Idk dude...
Cody: c'mon man, everyone else is going, at least Owen, Geoff and Tyler said they're in, and I'm going too, why can't you decide yet? Is something wrong?
Noah: EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT INVITATION IS WRONG. I just can't believe it. A new season, after three years, isn't it... weird?
Cody: you're really overthinking it. Man, stop worrying so much about it... it will be fun.
Noah: fun? Have you forgotten everything that we went through? Where was the fun on that?
Cody: of course I haven't forgotten! None of us have. But just imagine: a new opportunity to be millionaires, to be famous again, and the chance to see each other after all these years. Being on the show was hell, but meeting some of the people and making friends on the show was the best thing that happened to me.

'Meeting some of the people... Emma' I thought. Cody was right on that. Being on the show was a very traumatic experience that back then I kept buried because I really wanted to win. But once the show ended all of the memories about the life threatening events and all the times that I was on the verge of dying started to show up. I guess that it is something that happened to all of us, because most of the cast had to go to therapy. However, by being on the show, I got the chance to meet amazing people that otherwise I would have never met... and of course I met the love of my life thanks to it. We are still together and being with Emma has made me the happiest man alive. 'Emma' I thought again. I haven't told her about the invitation because I know she would insist that I should go and well... I don't want to go because that would mean that I would have to be away from Emma and I just can't leave her alone, even if she's strong and independent... it just doesn't feel right.

Cody: so...?
Noah: I can't man... I can't leave Emma alone, sorry
Cody: Emma? But isn't she going too?
Noah: What are you talking about? Can I bring someone along?
Cody: no, of course not. But... Geoff told me that she's got an invitation too
Noah: What? Why?
Cody: well... Chris invited a lot of people from every season according to Geoff... and since Emma was on TDRR, he invited her too for the new season
Noah: but she didn't tell me
Cody: apparently you didn't tell her either... so you're even. But why didn't you tell her?
Noah: I wanted to, but she would have insisted that I should go. At least that's what I thought before knowing that she was invited
Cody: well... she already confirmed so I don't know what are you waiting for
Noah: she did? How do you know that?
Cody: We have a group chat with everyone that has confirmed, she and her sister are on the group
Noah: I don't know what to think... I kinda feel betrayed, you know?
Cody: why? You didn't tell her either dude
Noah: I know I didn't tell her! But I didn't confirm without telling her. I would have told her before confirming at least
Cody: I get your point, but you can't expect others to think the same way as you, maybe she was too excited that she confirmed immediately and...forgot to tell you about it(?
Noah: Yeah... maybe you're right, I should stop overthinking everything
Cody: it's ok, man. Are you going now?
Noah: I don't want to but since everyone else is going I guess I have to.
Cody: woohoo! You won't regret it, I promise! It's gonna be awesome! I can't wait to see you. Text me when you have replied to the mail to add you to the group chat.
Noah: ok, Codybaby

I opened my my mail and read the invitation one last time:

"Hey, Noah!
Total Drama here! We hope you've been doing awesome over the past few years, we wouldn't expect less from you. We know this is strange but it will all make sense at the end of this invitation. Yes, you read it right, INVITATION. We want to invite you as one of our old cast members to the new season of Total Drama. Thanks to you, we are who we are and you, of course, are part of our family. That's why we want you to join us one last time. You don't have to if you don't want, but keep in mind that without you the show wouldn't be the same, we need you, Noah. And because this is a special season, if you join us, you will get the opportunity to win, not one, but FIVE MILLION DOLLARS.

We have a lot to talk about, you only have 2 weeks to reply to this email, if you don't we'll assume that you're not interested and we won't bother you anymore. If you do we'll send you all of the details immediately (location, date, tickets, reservation,etc.)

We miss you, Noah. Have a good day, and a good life.
With love and appreciation,
Total Drama"

'Something is mega not right with this' I thought 'but whatever'
I pressed the reply button and started to type:

"I'm in."

Before I could regret it, I pressed the send button and once I did the mail was delivered. When I did, I texted Cody

Noah: Hey, I did it
Cody: I don't believe you. Send evidence.

I received the confirmation mail from Total Drama and took a screenshot of it and sent it to Cody

Cody: OMG YOU'RE IN. Man, everyone is going to be happy to know this. I'm happy, I can't wait to see you. I know we have visited each other from time to time, but this... this is going to be like the old times
Noah: I bet it will...

Now I just have to tell Emma. I'm worried about her, she never got the chance to meet Chris, luckily. But now she will. I just want to protect her. He's the most dangerous person I've ever known... I can't trust him. I could never trust him or anything related to him. And of course I don't want Emma to get hurt.

Chris' POV

I went out of my office and headed to Jude's room. They were playing video games, I walked in smirking and they looked at me confused.
"Guess who's going?"

1159 words
August 15th.

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