Old cast, new cast

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Chris' POV

I can't believe it took me 3 years to convinced the producers to make a new Total Drama season, but it's not their fault, after the terrible chaos that was Pahkitew Island I wouldn't trust myself either. Indeed, I don't. Also, because of that mistake, there were no more sponsors and therefore we were running low on cash. The 'Ridiculous Race' (I hate it since they didn't invite me to host) and that kindergarten thing with Chef, helped the show recover and finally when I gave up they decided to call me and give me one last chance. I promised them they wouldn't regret. I think they liked my idea for the new season's theme. Still a surprise. I've been working really hard for this new season, I mean, I had 3 years to come up with something new and amazing, and I'm pretty sure that people will love it. I already do.

I was designing and redesigning some challenges when I decided to take a break. I synced my laptop to the TV to play some of the audition tapes. They're always funny to watch and it would help me get an idea about how many new contestants we could add and design challenges according to how many people we'll have. I played the most recent video uploaded:

"Hi, I'm Aris, I've watched Total Drama since the beginning and I've always loved the show [...] (Jude's voice) Well I thought that maybe if I didn't uploaded right away you would have regretted and wouldn't participate, but I never thought you would make so horribly, what was that? HAHAHA.

(Aris' voice) Mind to stop recording, dude?"

I couldn't stop laughing. I felt bad because she is my niece but that went so terrible that it was funny. Then I realised that she is my niece. 'Oh man, that can't be good for her. On the other hand, it'll help the ratings' I thought still laughing. I know she is my niece and that she's been having trouble dealing with self-confidence, she is my family and I love her as much as I love my son. 'What should I do?' I thought and then someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, I'm delivering for... Jude McLean?" Said the delivery man "McLean? Wait... are you Chris McLean? THE Chris McLean?" He remarked excited

"Jude! Dude, your order is here" I called Jude who ran downstairs as fast as he could, dragging Aris along with him

"Oh, thanks dude, this girl is going to die if I don't feed here like...right now. Thank you, pal" said Jude grabbing the food and walking to the living room

"And yes, I'm Chris McLean, want a photo?" I turned to see the man smirking. He smiled and nodded, still excited

"Man, I love your show, I still rewatch it everyday, I know it's over but that show was totally amazing, I don't get why would they cancel it" he said after we took the photo with his smartphone

"Don't worry man, there is 'something' coming soon" I said to him, smiling

"Oh, dude, that'll be awesome! I'll keep an eye on the official site. It's been a pleasure meeting you, I gotta go now, still got other 6 deliveries to do. Chris, man, I'm your fan" the delivery guy said and left. I went inside again and sat on the couch with my children. They were watching Total Drama World Tour again as they unpacked the food.

"So... what did you order?" I asked them

"We didn't know what to order so we ordered the 'a bit of everything', you know, pasta, sushi, some hamburgers, pizza slices, wings" Jude replied "we also ordered you that tomato juice thing that you love, wanna join us?"

"Sweet" I said "Hey, Aris... I saw your audition tape a moment ago" I started to laugh as well as Jude "girl, if you weren't already on the show I swear that we would have picked you to join the new cast anyway"

"That's exactly what I told her!" Jude said throwing his arms into the air "she is a natural"

Aris blushed in discomfort "that ain't funny" she said, I stopped laughing

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