Start from the beginning

"I think you mean ,-*'^'~*-.,_,.-*~ 🎀 𝓈🍪𝒸𝒾é𝓉é 🎀 ~*-.,_,.-*~'^'*-," Aoyama moaned obnoxiously over the school intercom.

[Name] blinked as Todoroki suddenly pulled his hand away, the removal of his warmth making [Name] realize how much she was craving for any sort of affectionate touch. Intense training and 'losing' her best friend had recently been hard on her.

After everything she had been through, [Name] found security in temporary physical touches (and shitty memes). A quite unhealthy habit she had developed, but she couldn't help her fear of commitment, because that's just how it be. 😔💅.

Now, Midoriya, do you want some of my beef stew?" Iida asked the teary-eyed boy.

"[Name]. You can have half of my soba." Todoroki added, making the [e/c] eyed girl's eyes light up.

"Thank yo- AGH!" [Name] widened her eyes as she was suddenly snatched™ backwards a couple yards by her wig. 

"C'mon, Pocchari." Bakugo grumbled. He took her hand and dragging her up the school building stairs.

"Damn, all these years of friendship and you still insist on calling me a fatass, you weeaboo." [Name] pouted. In a couple minutes, the two were sitting on the roof of the school.

It was quiet, nobody else in sight. The afternoon sky was beginning to settle in, as rays of amber stretched across the sky.

"So, have you dragged me here to confess your undying love with a sprinkle of foot fetish to me?" [Name] joked. Bakugo rolled his eyes, and then turned to look at the girl sitting beside him.

Her hair was slightly messy from the light breeze, short unkempt pieces tangled and thrown in different directions. With a crumpled school uniform and dark under eyes, it was easy to see that the girl was either undergoing intense training or overthinking at night. 

Knowing [Name], it was quite possibly both.

"Jeez you horny woman, what did I say about laying off the weirdo fanfiction at night?" Bakugo scoffed. 

"Damn, you can see them? I used a concealer, too!" [Name] whined, poking at the dark skin under her eyes with annoyance.

"Yeah, well obviously you don't know how to use makeup," Bakugo snorted.

"Sorry Bakugo, I didn't know you were James fucking Charles," [Name] retorted.

"You need to get more sleep," Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Oh, trust me. I'll be sleeping like a baby when my custom Minion x Maid Costume Mirko and Hawks Pro hero body pillows are coming in," [Name] frothed at the mouth.

"I-" Bakugo began to insult her, but then paused, feeling guilty at the thought of hurting his own All Might Sailor Moon Sparkle edition body pillow's feelings.

[Name]'s monstrous stomach grumbled, which challenged the call of a deep sea whale.

"Did you not eat?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you see, I was about to succ some delicious soba dry, until you kidnapped me." [Name] glared. "Idiot."

"I have something better than that dumb half-and-half's stale, cold soba," Bakugo said, rummaging through his backpack. He pulled out a container. "Here."

"ThoT POCKETS!" [Name] gasped, shoving one in her mouth and attacking the boy with a hug.

"H-Hey! Get off me!" Bakugo yelped, going red and tensing up as [Name] nuzzled his shoulder like a roleplay-deprived furry.

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