Surprises at the Party

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When we got to Arendelle Castle, it was like the people read the mind of their queen. There were no decorations whatsoever. No food laid out or music of any kind prepared. But the people set the mood. Their welcoming cheers really got the party started. As soon as we landed in the middle of the plaza with their late king and queen back from the dead, the party unfolded before our very eyes.

Delicious Aroma of food suddenly filled the evening breeze and music started overtaking the night. The streets and the castle were alive with a blissful light as people started piling out of their homes to celebrate this momentus occassion. I gotta say it was a pleasant surprise.

Then again, the night of surprises wasn't even done.

First it was the resurrection of Elsa and Anna's parents, then it was Elsa and Jack's transformation, then the betrayal and the evil plot to take all magic, then it was finding out that all our parents were actually a group of adventurers and really good friends when they were young destined to rule a new world together, then how Elsa and Jack's transformation triggered some kind of magic in our dragons to make them talk, then the most recent is the welcoming celebration the greeted us when we arrived in Arendelle.

Little did I know, that wasn't all the surprises that were in store for us tonight. Honestly, I don't know if I can take anymore surprises. I guess I'm about to find out.


We were all well into the party. The dragons had their own conversation with   the children of Arendelle, who had all kinds of questions about them and playing with them all around town.

Our parents were playing catch-up, wine in hand and laughter filling their group. It was actually pretty heartwarming to see them so happy. I know there's no magic that can turn back time, but all of them together makes them look and feel younger- I can tell.

As for us -the kids, as we are now called even though we were well into adulthood- were gathered around a bonfire sharing our own stories. I saw how a night just like this could make you feel like a kid in an instant. The lighthearted air, the warm glow of the fire, the smell of food -its just a warm feeling that really triggers that childhood feeling.

The night could not be more perfect, until something caught my eye.

We were right in the middle of a story from Eugene and Rapunzel about their adventures towards the first moonstone. I was snuggled next to Hiccup's side as we listened. That is, until I saw something that wasn't there before.

I blinked a few times and even shook my head as I stared at it, hardly believing it. And everyone around the fire noticed. Including Hiccup.

"Babe, what is it?" He asked.

I didn't reply, but instead, I pointed to..... his leg.

He followed my finger and almosy fell out of his chair in shock. So did everyone else.

"When did my leg grow back?!" He asked, slightly frantic as he pulled his boot out to reveal a foot made of flesh and bone instead of a peg leg made of metal that we all know him with.

"How it grew back should be the question." Astrid interjected, and she does have a point.

You can't regrow limbs once they are chopped off just like a common lizard or garden worm. But apparently, you can.

"You didn't even feel it grow back?" Snotlout asked him.

"No, I didn't. Last I checked, when we left for Ahtohallan, I still had a peg leg. Now, we get back to Arendelle and now my actual leg is back?" Hiccup slightly panicked.

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