CHAPTER TWO : Logan freaking Reece

Start from the beginning

"Am the boss of my modelling firm alright. I can take a break whenever I please."

"Yeah right ,but you can't deny the fact that you look like you haven't slept in days."

"Huh?"I asked blinking took me a minute to catch on to what she had said"oh well am just keeping fit ,you know my modelling works magic on my diet."

"Or is it?"she asked with a wide eye that told me she wasn't buying it

How could I be so stupid to think that i can lie to her,she was like a sister to me and here i was covering up.Trisha is someone who sees through me, it'll be difficult to hide anything from her. And right now I needed someone who I could talk to, someone who listens, someone who understands my situation and she could do all of that, I mean that's why I called her. I needed reassurance that I didn't make a huge mistake when I signed that darn contract.

"Okay,now spill." Trisha said cutting me from my little world of thought

"I think I made a big mistake Trish. It's Logan, I can't continue, I thought I could handle him but the truth is that it's not possible. Every thing is so messed up I feel like a complete jerk. I don't know what_"my voice trailed off

"It's okay." Trisha held out her hands connecting our fingers together

"No it's not,"I mumbled

"Look at me Kristin."she lifted my chin bringing our eyes together"you are not a jerk, you're a strong independent woman with a life and a career."she smiled after emphasizing her point


"There are no buts,I know things have been a bit cruddy but trust me everything will be okay."

I nodded"Thanks Trish and am sorry for disturbing you with my issues."

"Well that's the point Kris,you are very important to me and you can never be a disturbance. Just so you know I've got your back always,"she teased

Trisha has been my knight in shining armor. When I was little she always protected me from kids who bullied me in school. I guess that was how our friendship strengthened,she was never scared of the size of my bullies back then ,she would always fight even if an older kid was involved.

"I don't mind going against the world for you so you have to tell me everything."

"Are you forgetting that ignorance is bliss?"

"Whatever girl,"she waved her hands in dismissal" trust me when I tell you that who ever wrote that saying suffered from depression."

"You can't be serious?"I asked admist laughter

"Oh,Yes I am."

"No you can't be."

"Bloody hell yeah, I am serious,"

"Let's quite the crap we are entitled to our own opinions_"she said

"Keep yours and I'll keep mine." we said in unison and burst into laughter.

I let out a breath of relief not realizing I'd been holding it in"it's nice to have you back Trisha."she gave me a friendly smile and sipped her espresso

"Speaking of Logan freaking Reece."

"What about him?"I asked

"He doesn't look like the arrogant bitchy person he is painted to be. I've met him a couple of times and it turns out that he is calm. He depicted a kind responsible personality." I scoffed almost choking on my drink.

"Well I'll prefer if you stick to that idea cos you haven't seen him in his worse."I mumbled

"I think you are too uptight maybe if you give this relationship a try things could work out,"she looked my way before continuing"I mean you guys might have started on a wrong foot but we all know that life has ups and downs just like the two sides of a coin.It takes two to tangle Kristin,i want you to look on the bright side of life maybe you guys can make this work but you can't know for sure if you don't try."

"Talking about relationship Trish, let's not forget how this started. It was never about love, it's strictly on contract .i can't waste my time fixing something that isn't gonna work in the first place. Logan doesn't love me and neither do I there is no fixing to do when there is nothing to fix. "

"I know Kristin,"she leaned closer to stress her point"and am not doing this for that jackass,am saying this for you."she sighed"you need a balanced life because it's crucial for personal success and peace of mind ."

"I get it but trust me when I say that I'll be fine because am there for formality of five years and I'll be gone."

"So let me get this straight."she whispered

"Go ahead,"

"Your saying that you've got every bit of plan set and after five years you'll up and leave, Did I miss anything?"

"Nope I think you pretty much have everything covered and in the space of that five years he better not do anything rash cos he just met his match."

"But alot can happen within five years Kris , you've got to put that in consideration."

"Yeah I can handle it."

I remembered how long five years was. I'm not gonna show my indifference in front of Trisha,she has so much faith in me.

You can do it Kristin,you are a strong,brave and independent woman.

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