Sun Burnts

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Maybe lying on the deck at 12 o'clock in summer wasn't his best idea.

"Lying on the deck wasn't your best idea!" Nico complained as he held a bag of ice against his chest.

"But you did it anyway!" He looked at Nico's expression and immediately regretted what he said, "I'm sorry."

Nico sighed and smiled, "It was my fault too, it's okay."

"We need that thingy for the sun burns," Leo said, "We'll get it at the next stop."

"Can't we just use ambrosia?"

"Well yeah, that too."

Nico shook his head chuckling, "We also need to explain to Hazel why was I shirtless and sweating while you were panting beside me."

"Oh Gods, that sounds so wrong in so many ways. Poor Hazie."

And it all started earlier that day when they were having their morning shift.


"I'm so tired and bored! It's too hot for me." Nico complained and lied his back on the wall, "We've been here all morning and there not a single monster! Why is it so hot? I'm drowning in my own sweat!"

"Why would that be? You're practically covered in black. You'll surely die in there." Leo said standing beside him.

Nico glared at him, "Shut up."

Leo stood in front of him and grabbed his chin, "But don't be mad Angel, I have an excellent idea." He leaned in and placed his lips on Nico's. Their eyes shut and Leo lowered his hand and grabbed Nico by the arms. He lifted them over his head and held them with one hand against the wall. His free hand went back down again and grabbed the hem of his shirt. He leaned back a few centimeters, "Nico?"

"Yes?" he said still with his eyes closed.

Leo lowered his other hand and quickly removed Nico's shirt, "There, you won't be hot anymore. In the heat kind of way I mean." he said winking at him.

Nico blushed at the sudden realization of being shirtless in front of Leo. But instantly got mad by the fact that Leo could distract him so easily, "Give it back!" he said trying to hide the tee from behind Leo.

"Make me." Nico leaned in but Leo placed a finger in his mouth and his eyes widened.

"As much as I want to kiss you Angel, I can't get distracted. I'm really enjoying the view." 

Nico rolled his eyes, "Leooooo, pleeaaa-uuhss."

"Nope." he said popping in 'p'.  

"I'll have to take it from you, won't I?"

"Yep," Leo said smiling, "you'll have to catch me."

Nico groaned, "I'm not going to chase you, Valdez." 

"Yes you are," Nico looked at him confused, "because I'm going to steal something else from you."

Before Nico could say something Leo leaned in and pressed his lips together. Nico was about to close his eyes when Leo broke the kiss. "Now you have to get that kiss back too," he said as he started to run.

"Stop doing that!" he shouted walking toward him.

"Don't you want your first stolen kiss back?" he said winking at him, "Ven amor."

Nico rolled his eyes and started running after Leo. Five minutes passed by and the only thing that had changed was that Nico was drowning in his own sweat again. "I can't do this anymore. I'm done, you win."

Leo sat in the middle of the deck with a big smile plastered on his face, "Come here."

Nico sat beside him and Leo laid his back on the floor. Nico did the same and Nico kept panting for not being used to that. Both were oblivious that Hazel was entering into the deck. When she saw them her eyes drew bigger, "Oh Gods, I don't want to know." she said as she turned around to leave.

 Nico was about to stand up and go after her but Leo stopped him, "Let's stay for a little while okay?" 

He was too tired to complain so he stayed.


While still trying to fix Nico's painful sunburns Piper broke into the room, "I HOPE YOU ARE PRESENTABLE CAU- oh." she stayed still and turn her gaze towards Leo, "Couldn't you control yourself a bit?"

Leo face palmed himself and groaned, "I didn't-"

"Zip it, keep that stuff to yourself." Nico was violently blushing beside Leo, not saying a word, "Now, Jason wants to see you two."


"We'll be arriving to Epirus in a couple of hours."




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