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*Huge Time Lapse*

Nico's POV

He was practically dying. Every time they shadow traveled, Nico felt weaker. The dark circles under his eyes were appearing again, his skin was losing its color and he could barely lift his sword. But this was almost over, in a few hours he'll be seeing him again.

A few days ago, his only thought was that he would never see Leo again. Never. But now they were one shadow travel trip away from camp and hope had finally returned to him. He was dying to see him and hold him and kiss him like he never had before.

Reyna interrupted his thoughts.

"Here," she said giving him a blood-red apple. "You have to eat something."

He nodded and looked at the apple. He smiled weakly. Everything started the day he had that apple. And you are probably wondering how he remembered, well that was the last day he had not eaten an entire apple. Leo cared for him and always made sure that he ate properly. And that was one of the many reasons why he loved him.

"Thanks." He smiled. "How do you think they'll kill Gaia?"

"I don't know, but we have to do our best and hope we don't die." Nico nodded and continued to eat his apple. "So, you and Leo huh?"

"Yes," Nico said smiling and he started to blush.

"You are a cute couple, you are like the exact opposite." Nico smiled wider, "You seem very excited to see him."

"I'm dying to see him," Nico said finishing his apple.

Leo's POV

"Take care of him," Leo said sitting in his bed.

"No Leo, you can't do this. Just don't! Stay." Hazel was begging.

"I wish I could, but this is my only chance to save her."


"Hazel, please just understand." A few tears were rolling down his cheeks. "I love him, but I have to do this, besides we have to kill Gaia."

"We can find out another way to do it."

"There's no time left."

"Leo, at least tell them." Hazel sat beside him and hugged him.

Leo shook his head, "No, we have to focus on killing Gaia."

Hazel started crying and Leo bit his lip, he didn't mean to cause harm, he was doing what he thought was right. "Hazie."

"Yes Leo?" she said between tears.

"Take care of him."

"I will."

Nico's POV

"There is no time left," Reyna said packing everything.


"We have to go, you have to shadow travel us to camp, now."

"But I don't think I can-"

"Nico now, like seriously," Reyna ordered and Coach Hedge nodded.

"She's right di Angelo, I can smell monsters."

"But-" Nico could barely stand.


"Right." He knew he wasn't ready, his powers could consume him in that only trip. He may not make it out alive. "Just one last thing Reyna."

"Yes?" Reyna looked at him confused, she did not know the damage that this could cause.

"Tell Leo I love him."

Leo's POV

They were very close, camp was just a few kilometers away. Leo was looking at the horizon trying process all at the same time. Maybe he could wait for a little and search for Nico first. Maybe he could see him one last time. But if he did that, the plan wouldn't work.

Everyone was saying their "goodbyes". Percy and Annabeth were in the stables, Hazel and Frank were on the deck and Jason and Piper were in her room. He was with Festus waiting to get there. And soon enough everyone was on the deck waiting for him.

He had a fake smile plastered on his face but no one noticed. He tried his best to ignore their looks. They were talking about what they were going to do after the war but Leo had one last thing to do.

"Hazel? Can we talk?" She nodded and they went to the edge of the ship.

"I need you to give him this." He took out an envelope labeled with Nico's name.

Hazel shook her head and her lower lip started to tremble. She walked towards him and hugged him tightly. "Stay." she was sobbing now.


She looked at him in the eyes and ended the hug. "Fine." She took the envelope and put it in her backpack. She cleaned the tears away and was about to go back to the group but Leo called her.

"What is it, Leo?"

Leo lowered his gaze, "Please tell him I love him."

Nico's POV

"Nico! Stay with me, drink this." Will Solace, son of Apollo, gave some nectar to him.

He instantly felt warmth in his throat and the pain all over his body vanished. "Will, what did I miss?"

"Well we are in camp and we need to stop Octavian before he does anything stupid."

"Right, okay. Where is he?"

"Over there." He pointed a catapult on the other side of the hill.

"Let's go!"

They ran towards him and arrived just in time, he was about to start the catapult. "Octavian stop!"

"No, don't tell me what to do graecus."

"Octavian don't, we have to work together in order to kill Gaia." Will said trying to calm him.

"Why is everyone worrying about Gaia? You are trying to ruin us, the Romans are way better than the Greeks!"

"Are you really listening to what you are saying?" Nico said rolling his eyes.

Will smiled, "Octavian don't."

"Why are you laughing? Are you planning something? I would not-" he kept talking but Nico noticed that his robe was stuck in the catapult if he shot that thing he was going along with it.

Leo's POV

"Leo what are you doing!" Jason shouted in the air.

"I'm so sorry."

"Leo no!" Piper shouted before everything exploded.

Nico's POV

"Octavian..." Nico said alarmingly. Will noticed too and his eyes opened widely.

"Octavian listen, you-"

"Don't tell me what to do stupid Greeks!" And he shot it.

Both Will and Nico followed the flying object through the air and they saw a glimpse of something bright gold in the air crashing with it.

It's okay. (Valdangelo/Leico fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now