Love letters from the death

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Nico's POV

Nico couldn't stop Octavian, but he didn't blame himself for that. He tried to warn him but he was just stupid.

"We warned him." Will said biting his lip.

"Yeah I guess."

He lowered his gaze but he suddenly remembered that Leo was out there still in the war. He had to help him. Gods he had to see him!

"Let's go Will, they probably need us."

They ran all the way back to where the war was being held. But there were no signs of a fight anywhere.

"We did it! Gaia is dead!" some Apollo girl shouted to Will.

"Wait, what?" Nico said confused.

"One of the seven killed him. Didn't you saw the big explosion in the sky?"

"Well yeah but-"

"YOU FUCKING KNEW LEVESQUE? YOU KNEW ALL THIS TIME, DIDN'T YOU?" Piper shouted with tears in her eyes and rolling down her face.

"I'm sorry Piper, I'm so sorry," Hazel said while Frank held her.

Nico looked at them confused and when Hazel saw him she started to sob. "Nico."

"What's happening here?" He looked around. Everyone was watching the scene. Percy, Annabeth, Reyna, Jason but... "Where's Leo?"

Everyone looked at him with sorrow but no one answered. "WHERE IS MY LEO?"

Hazel started to sob louder and Frank tried to calm her with no results. "He wanted you to have this," Frank said handing him an envelope.

"No what is this?" Nico started to freak out, he bit his lips so the tears wouldn't come out. "Where is he, Pipes?"

"Nico I tried to-"

"No Piper, I don't want to know anything about you. I want to know where is he." He said in a harsh tone.

Piper sad face vanished, "HE'S GONE NICO!" She shouted and the tears escaped from her eyes as soon as the words came out.

Nico bit his lip so it wouldn't tremble. The tears didn't come out. He didn't believe them. Leo was alive.

"Nico?" Hazel said approaching to him. "He wanted you to know that he loves you."

And that was it. Nico shook his head and ran off. He ran until he was away from everyone's view. He looked at the envelope in his hands and a tear escaped from his eyes when he read his name. No, this had to be a joke. Leo couldn't leave him alone.

He sat down and opened the envelope.

Dear Angel:

This is the most selfish thing that I had made in my entire life and I'm sorry. If my plan doesn't work I want you to know that you did nothing wrong, it's all my fault.

All these days have been hell to me, I couldn't focus on anything and everyone is mad at me. But, what if something happened to you? I can't live without you. I'm dying without knowing if you are okay because I'm not. I'm not okay Nico, not anymore, not without you. And that is why I'm the most selfish person in this world because I can't afford to live without you but I'm doing this. Taking away my life to save yours and everyone else's.

I'm going to find her Nicky. I'm saving her, she's going to be finally happy like us. She doesn't have someone who loves her the way I love you but I'm going to do my best and maybe someday she'll find someone who can fix her broken self like you did with me. You fixed me. And I know that now, without noticing or doing anything specific you did it, just by being you.

I miss you and it hurts. I miss your smile and your laugh, your piercing dark brown eyes and your dark hair that covered them most of the time. I miss your lips and the urge to feel them again hurts like hell. But not knowing if you'll ever see this letter hurts me more. The fact that maybe I won't see you ever again destroys me. I don't know if I will be able to survive and if I do, I will eventually come back for you.

But I can assure you one thing Nico, I love you. I love you with all my heart and I'm sorry for what I'm going to do. Remember that time when you said that you thought you didn't deserve me? I told you to don't ever say that because I'm the one who doesn't deserve you.

The only thing I'll ask you for is for you to promise me one thing; that you won't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault and every time you feel like it is, re-read this letter to remind you it is not. And whatever you do please don't wait for me, that will make it worse. I can't promise you I'll come back but I will do anything I can to come back to you. Even if I'm not alive anymore.

I fell in love with you, Nico di Angelo. You are my Angel and will always be. I love you.


He may be his angel, but angel's wings can break sometimes. And that's how he was left, completely broken.

The end


A/N: I love you all. This story is over, but there's going to be an epilogue. Please don't hate me. Thanks for your votes. I'll say my goodbyes at the epilogue. ❤️

It's okay. (Valdangelo/Leico fanfiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora