I know you are broken

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Leo opened his mouth to say something but the words didn't come out and the sudden realization of Nico knowing that something had happened between Calypso and him made him frown.


Nico rolled his eyes, "I know you. I know something happened between you two. And by the fact you were so defensive when Zhang mentioned her, I don't doubt it at all. Don't lie to me, Leo."

Leo sighed and looked at the floor. He knew he had to tell him but he wasn't sure if he was ready. It was way too soon to talk it out, "I don't think I can." He said and his voice broke at the end, "I mean, I'm not going to lie to you at this point. Things happened and I am not going to deny it. Me and Calyp-"

"I had a crush on Percy." Nico blurted out.


He sighed, went to the bed and sat down, "Do you remember when I went for the scepter?" He wished he didn't but he nodded, "Well, we found Cupid and he kind of made me admit I had a crush on Percy and I-"

"Wait, had?" Leo interrupted.

Nico frowned and then rolled his eyes, "Of course you idiot. I had that crush since I was ten but it was kind of forgotten until he reminded me again."

Leo laid his back against the door frame, "And why did you stop talking to me?" He looked at him when he said it and he held his gaze but the other boy couldn't bear it anymore so he covered his face with his hands.

"It's stupid," he sighed, "I thought I didn't deserve you and I was mad at myself for thinking in my feelings for Percy instead of just let that go and... I don't know. Everything just kind of crashed all at once."

Leo shook his head and went to sit beside him. He took Nico's hands and removed them from his face but he didn't let go. Nico looked at their intertwined hands, "Nico look at me." He did, "Don't ever think that you don't deserve me, please."

"But I-"

"No," Leo said holding his hands tighter, "You haven't done anything wrong. I am the one who- I just knew you needed some time alone but I didn't expect you needed that time for us and that just..."

Nico nodded, "I'm sorry." he said.

"Don't be."

They leaned closer to each other but when Nico was about to close the gap between them, Leo lowered his head, "Leo?"

Leo let go of Nico's hands and took something out of his pocket. He held it with his both hands and didn't look at anything else trying to avoid Nico's gaze. "Calypso," he said rubbing his thumb against his ruby red keychain which had the girl's name labeled on it, "a lovely goddess with a life that sucks."

Nico looked at him with confusion, he was starting to remember something about the goddess' myth but he let the demigod talk. He knew he needed it.

"I couldn't save her. I just broke her more than she already was and worst of all I couldn't fix her." The coldness that the keychain irradiated was bothering Leo's usually warm hands but he didn't let go. "I really wanted to help her but all I could do was this." He said showing him the keychain.

"How does it work?" Nico asked with curiosity.

"She has a necklace and when we are close to each other they are warm-hot but as I get farther from her they get colder."

"So you could find her again." Leo nodded.

"I'm coming back for her, I promised."

"Of course you are," Nico said and the corner of his lip lifted.

Leo smiled a little but his smile soon faded, "Nico?"


"There is one more thing." He said biting his lip.

"Go on." Nico tried to sound neutral although there was a knot in his throat.

"The thing is that the only way of getting out of the island was if she fell in... love with me." His fingers were starting to move anxiously.

"And she did," Nico said a little too rough.

Leo shook his head slowly, "We had a plan at first. When I arrived at her island she kind of hated me but as the days passed that hate began to fade and then I told her about you, she had figured it out before I even told her so I just kind of confirmed it. Anyway she wanted to help but we knew what was the only way, so we had the brilliant idea of making a love potion."

Nico was listening with attention the whole story but he already kind-of knew how it was going to end.

"But by the time the potion was done she had already fallen for me by her own will and I was getting attached to her and the island. That night I decided to make the keychain and the necklace, I wanted to stay but I knew I couldn't. Then the last night I was with her and a faint of hope was still there wishing I could stay because I wasn't sure if I could do anything out here and you know, things were a little complicated out here, so I just wanted to stay there away from my responsibilities. Long story short I didn't want her to use the potion because I knew that wasn't right but the raft arrived and I knew it was too late. After that, I just lost it."

Nico who had been quiet through all his speech asked, "You lost it?"

Leo bit his lip harder and sighed, "Yes, the sudden realization of having to leave her broke me." His eyes were gleaming, "But she insisted and I- kissed her and then left."

A single tear fell down Leo's cheek and Nico whipped it away with his thumb, "Leo-"

"I'm sorry. I-I can't say it didn't mean anything because it did. Not in that kind of way but I just-"

"Leeoo," Nico said a little more loudly.

"I really want to fix her and get her the hell out of there because if I don't I just can't-"

"LEO VALDEZ, SON OF HEPHAESTUS." Nico shouted and Leo stopped rambling. "Listen to me. I understand it's fine. Of course, I'm not happy about the fact that you kissed someone else but that was also kind of my fault. I forgive you and just one more thing that I have to leave clear, the fact that you did all of this is not going to make me like you less." he said leaning closer to him, "The very first time I saw you I knew something wasn't right. I know you are broken Leo Valdez and now it's my time to fix you."

And with that, a little smile started to appear on Leo's face and he couldn't help but join in for a kiss.


A/N: I'm so sorry again, sorry sorry. But it is finally here :)

QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT: Anyone who likes SOLANGELO, I've made another story just with Solangelo one-shots so plea-uhs go check it out.


It's okay. (Valdangelo/Leico fanfiction) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora