Make me

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The next days were different. Full of glances and small smiles. Since that day words became conversations and for them being strangers had remained in the past. They talked much more than usual. There weren't awkward silences anymore. Everything was different; of course, both of them were confused.

Leo had a battle in his head. He knew they were friends now but it didn't felt that way, he felt something more. This feeling was unknown to him, he felt different, better. Being with Nico felt right, just by seeing his smile the day got better. 'No, he is your friend, A booy friend! You can't have something for him, can you?' Leo thought but he was interrupted by a very annoyed Nico.

"You are so stupid! Couldn't you just wait for an explanation?! OF COURSE NOT! Because you ar-" Nico start saying as he walked in circles.

"Nico?" Leo said while Nico kept rambling still not noticing Leo's presence.

"-and to make it worse you ran away! CHE STUPIDO, di Angelo! Aren't you mature enou-" the boy continued talking but he stopped as soon as Leo shouted, "NICOO!" The raven-haired boy shut up and looked at Leo irritated. "WHAT, VALDEZ?" he snapped.

"What is wrong with you?" Leo asked. Nico bit his lip and tried to hide his embarrassment. "Nico, tell me."

"Okay, okay but don't laugh," Nico mumbled. "All started because I needed Hazel to talk about y-umm, something so I went to her room. The point is that when I opened the door, she was having an extremely heated make out session with Frank."

Leo was silent for a few seconds but immediately he burst out laughing. "OH, MY GODS! What happened next?" he said still laughing.

Nico blushed and continued. "They noticed me and both started to blush intensely, and when they were about to say something I-" Nico covered his face with his hands. "I ran away."

"You ran away? Frank must be terrified right now! You have at least to talk to them or something before they think you'll summon the dead to kill him." Leo exclaimed.

"Leo, you know I wouldn't do that," Nico replied.

"Oh, c'mon! It would be hilarious." Leo joked, but when he looked at his face who had a serious glance on it, he smiled and said, "Yeah, I know Nicky."

During the last week, Hazel noticed their sudden friendship and she took advantage by spending all day with Frank. This made the boys spend more time together and that's why they had become closer. Leo glanced at his watch and a wide grin appeared on him. "Guess what?"

"What?" Nico asked.

"Dinner time! Time to talk to the "love birds." Leo exclaimed.

"No." the son of Hades took a step back.

"Yees!" Leo chanted.

"No!" Nico shouted.

"Nico, if you don't go by yourself I'm still going to make you go," Leo said placing his hand on his hip.

"Okay, make me." he retorted but as soon as he heard his words his eyes went wide. Leo's lips composed into an immense smile.

"Okay," he said taking a step towards him. They were close enough that they could feel each other's breathing. Nico closed his eyes hoping for the unexpected. Leo placed his hands on Nico's waist, he left them there a few seconds before he tightens them and lifted him up placing him over his shoulder. "LEO, PUT ME DOWN!" the latin boy ignored him and kept walking. He was aware of the view Nico was having, but he seemed to be okay with it.

They arrived at the dining room where everyone (except Coach Hedge) was already having dinner. When they entered every one stared at them. "Piper, Jason, will you excuse us?" he said still with Nico on his shoulder. They frowned but without a word, they left.

"Leo, what do you want?" Frank said.

"Me? Oh nothing Frankie," he said while placing Nico down. "My little buddy here wants to say something." Frank paled.

"Hey! I'm older than you." Nico complained. Leo looked at him and gave an 'I know' smile.

"And why are you here?" Hazel asked.

"Oh, that's easy my dear Hazel. At any moment my friend could run away, so I'm here to stop him," he responded and looked at Nico who was giving him a death glare.

"Well, I-" Nico started rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm sorry for entering without knocking." Frank sighed and returned to his normal color.

"And we are sorry that you found us like that," he said looking at Hazel, she nodded and agreed. "Yes, very sorry." They all smiled and said good nights because it was getting late.

Leo and Nico went to the kitchen and grabbed some food. "You want to eat in my room?" Leo asked and Nico nodded. In the way, Leo devoured one of his sandwiches while Nico played with his apple. They arrived to the room and Leo was done with his 1st sandwich. He placed the others on his desk and laid his back on the wall.

"Hungry, huh?" Nico asked teasingly.

"Mm," Leo said with his mouth still full, when he swallowed he spoke. "Wasn't that hard, was it?"

"Nope." Nico agreed.

"I was right," Leo said smiling proudly.

"You were right," Nico said in a soft tone, taking a step closer.

"Nico di Angelo, are you flirting with me?" Leo said sarcastically, drawing nearer to him.

"I don't know, am I?" Nico smirked and curved his hand on Leo's cheek, drawing circles with his thumb.

Leo lifted his hand, placed it over the hand on his cheek and closed his eyes. "Nico," he whispered.

"Yes Leo?" the boy said while leaning closer. Leo placed his hands on Nico's neck. They were the same height so they were easily close. Nico stopped learning when their lips were touching slightly. "Nico," Leo said against his lips. "Mhm," he said closing his eyes. "We can't do this."

"Why not?" Nico said breathing heavily; his other hand was now on Leo's chest.

"It's not right," Leo responded still feeling Nico's lips. He had the urge feel them fully, but something was holding him back.

"Who says?" Nico asked.

"Nico, I-" Leo was feeling a knot in his chest and stomach, he knew how to get rid of that but he was afraid. "I'm scared."

Nico smiled softly against Leo's lips. "Don't be," he whispered. "Leo, please, can I kiss you?"

It's okay. (Valdangelo/Leico fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now