Chapter 8

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Author's POV 

The raven haired young girl sighed shedding her tears while looking out of the carriage with moist gaze . Her left hand was clenching her blue laced hanbok . Her soft sniffles made the young maid blink and look at her , " Young miss ? Gwenchana ?" She asked making Ara glance at her with a fake smile . " You can rest for a while ." She smiled .

" What's....your name ?" Ara asked unknowingly making the maid gasp and stare at her with big goggling eyes , " Uhh....I mean ...umm ..." Ara hesitated , she was tired of lying , since she time travelled , she was lying with closed eyes . She wanted to tell everyone that she wasn't Han Kyung but she wasn't sure if she should do that or nah . 

Soon they reached the Minister Han's palace , " Dara !! Hyuna !! Go help the princess ...she's still weak !!" The old minister yelled making Ara halt on her steps and look at the maids who were coming to help her .

" Ahh ani , It's okay , I'm not that weak ." She smiled but the maids just rolled their eyes and walked away from her , Ara wasn't upset but It was lil weird that the princess was treated In that way . She was curious about the princess's life and.....about Taehyung .

" Princess , ignore them ...Sogum will help you !!" She smiled and hold her carefully . Ara was happy , at least someone respected her . 

" Uh huh ? Look who's here ....Fourth princess...wait..." The person infront of Ara blinked and glanced at others with a shocked expression , " H-how can she....wasn't she blind ? .." She frowned as if she was really unhappy on Han Kyung's recovery . Ara raised a brow making the other girl behind her scoffed .

" Looks like she was acting to be come she got her eyes back ? All of a sudden ?" She walked towards Ara making her blink and look at her blankly . " You are still the boring Han Kyung that we know haha ..." 

" Let's go girls can chat after lunch , take Kyung to the Jadestar pavilion , bring her to mother when she summons , Chaeryeen? Go to your palace with your sister mhm ?" The old man smiled walking away with his wives leaving the girls with the maids . 

" You are nothing but the disgrace to whole Han family....keep that in your mind." Chaeyeen gritted her teeth before flipping her long hair and walking back to her palace . Ara tilted her head confused , her blue orbs filled with tears unknowingly as if the body feared the person who just left . 

" Princess ? Let's go." Sogum smiled making Ara nod , they walked in the pavilion where the old body lived her 18 years . Ara took a deep breathe , her eyes widened as she saw the pavilion . It was beautiful but somewhat she felt like it was away from other Princess's pavilions . She sighed while eyeing the place .

" After you went missing for few days , Second miss and third miss asked this place to close but as soon as we heard you were found by Your majesty , my lord asked to clean the pavilion

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" After you went missing for few days , Second miss and third miss asked this place to close but as soon as we heard you were found by Your majesty , my lord asked to clean the pavilion . It's strange that you were lost and found ....but do you know why you ran away ? How your vision came back?" The maid asked while helping the fourth miss inside the house .

Ara heaved out heavy sigh and looked at the small girl , closing the door , " Sogum-ah....will you..." She stopped biting her lips, hesitating a bit , everything was happening same , Deja Vu , same feelings , same anxiety , she was tired of It . Sogum blinked at her mistress and kneeled infront of her . 

" I was serving first miss until she got bored of seeing my face and asked me to serve you , we were just 10 when we met ....It's 7 years since I got sold to minister Han ....I know people doesn't treat servants good , they never see us as humans but you.....young miss , you always took care of me . You always protected me , treated me the best . Thanks for all you can trust me miss ." Ara licked her lips staring at the maid with teary eyes .

As she was new with the body , It was acting of it's own . She sighed and helped Sogum to get up . " Aha....I do trust you Sogum-ah but don't tell anyone about it ...that I lost my....memories ." 

" Uhh what ? You what ?"

" I lost memories , I don't remember anything ..." Sogum's eyes grew wider as she heard that , she covered her mouth dramatically and shook her head in disbelief . " But yeah's true ."

" No you must be pulling some pranks on me fourth miss !!" She pout and stared at the young lady with her cute eyes . Ara giggled for a second but then smiled and hold Sogum's hand with a soft smile , " What we'll do now miss ? Your memories..." Sogum blinked and looked up at the Blue eyed Princess . " So...what can I do?"

" One thing you can do Sogum-ah , only you

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" One thing you can do Sogum-ah , only you ." The princess smiled making Sogum blink more , Ara giggled and pointed on her head , " Please gimme a head massage and tell me about myself , I wanna know more , I wanna know who I was and how I was....please tell me everything".

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

" Is she the one ? You were talking about ?" The blue haired male placed the cup on the table and sighed , " Why she came here ? All of a sudden ? Is she a good omen or a curse ? Our kingdoms are suffering already ....your words will be the flame to the fire , so think before you speak Ajhuma ." He picked of the cup and sipped while eyeing the old lady infront of him .

The grey haired woman looked up and smiled , " Who knows what she is ....different people have different perspective , you can never be good or bad all the time , you are different in different shades of eyes .." She smiled but the Sercarian general wasn't in a mood of those deep words . He slammed his hand on the table and glared at the old oracle .

" What do you mean....just say it ...don't make a mess , I already had enough !!" He gritted his teeth ignoring the tea cup rolling down the table and shattering into pieces . But the old oracle smile and looked directly in his eyes making the blue haired general furrow his brows. 

" To me ....she'll take a huge part in the history of Elaria , she'll be the reason that the princes will meet , she'll be the reason to make the brothers realize their mistake and she'll be the reason ....for someone's destruction ." She sipped the tea casually .

Yoongi got up and started walking out of the room but stopped on his way , " I won't let that happen .....I won't let anyone harm Taehyung....I won't let harm anyone Jungkook ...." He whispered the last part before storming out of the guest room .

The old lady looked out of the window while licking her lips , " Sometimes It's better not to try changing the destiny when you know you can't coz the outcome may lead to something worse .....that you would have never expected ." She got up on her weak legs and slowly waddled out eyeing the beautiful cherry blossom view . 

" Besides....a leopard can't change its spots ." 

*****************End Of Chapter 8 

Thanks For Reading . See You Later In Next Chapter !! 

- Charil Meng . 

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