Part 40

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Me: I'm always yours stupid!
Martinus: stupid?
Me: yeah
Martinus: ok, u will regret that
He started kissing me with passion
I kissed him back
That was more wild than the time at this random house
I love it when we are snogginggg
He tries to take off my jacket
Me: what are u doing?
Martinus: what? U don't like it?
Me: um.. I think that it is not the best place for that..And our age is not the best too..
Martinus : oh, girl, I will just take of ur jacket..Don't worry.I know where we are..Let me finish
Ok, he took, off my jacket
It was cold ..
Oh well, we are at Trofors..It is not a place with high temperatures
But ok..with all this I was ok..we were was better
He was holding me so tight that I could feel his dick on my belly🥴
Well after a while we stopped
Ok, I really liked that
Me: I think that I should call ya stupid more often, dont u think?
Martinus: Yeahh! But I can do that and just because we are in mood for it
Me: I'm  always in mood for snogging with u babe
Martinus: awe...m2 but don't u think that we should go back home now? We were supposed to get back home before an hour or more..
Me: yeah beb, u are right,  let's go home and then we can watch a film or-
Martinus: just cuddle....
Me: I prefer ur suggestion
Martinus: ok, but we can watch and a film while cuddling..
Me:yeah, sure
The days were passing like this..School,  park, home, snogging,  cuddling and films
No arguments
No broken hearts
Everything was ok
Until ...

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