Part 2

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Martinus: Why so surprised?
Me: em- idk..Just I was looking for u and u came out of nowhere..
Martinus: oh, I understand..Anyways I found u, this is the same I suppose..
Me: yeah..
Martinus: actually a teacher told me to come to u bc we will work together...anyways..we should get to know each other, right?
Me: yeah..
Martinus: Lovely. As I see from ur outfit u must know many things about me..
Me: That's true-
Martinus: So, u should start and tell me a few things about u...Whatever u want me to know..But first of all what's ur name?
Me: y/n
Martinus: Nice name
Me: thnx, but urs is the best
Martinus: thnx, but I think u should start behaving to me as I am an ordinary boy and not as ur music idol..
Me: I'll try to..
Martinus: Well, so just tell me a few things about ya..
Me: Oh, well.. I am 6 months younger that u, I live in London..em..I love dancing..
*saying more things about u*
And yeah..that's me..
Martinus: Nice..
Me: thnx-
Martinus: y/n?..
Me: yeah?
Martinus: I see u a bit sad..Why?
Me: ..
Martinus: c'mon u can trust me
Me: well...As u know I an MMer..My bff is too....When she learned that we will work together and I will live at ur house she got mad at me because she was jealous...Now she doesn't talk to me...I am sad because I lost my bff and now I have no friends here in Trofors...
Martinus: oh, I see... But it is not true that u have no friends here in Trofors...

Don't Forget About Me {M.G.} - completedWhere stories live. Discover now