Chapter 11

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Trey P.O.V😳

I heard about what happened that Naomi was having sex with her "dad" but infact it was just her moms ex boyfriend. she so nasty and she got pregnant she such a hoe. But I do feel bad about the rest of her family dying in a car accident they were good neighbours. I can't believe I was dating a hoe I mean almost good thing I didn't kiss her because I heard that she has a STI's ( sexually transmitted infection). I don't really know where Naomi is all I know is that little hoe better stay away from me and my family especially my mom cause she actually liked her I thought she right one but I guess not. Her "dad" told me and my family all of this. He told me that he leaving Naomi and Brooklyn with her Aunt and Uncle. He actually told us all of this before her family was in the car accident.

Naomi's P.O.V

Last night I cried all night over the loss of my family and the fact my own father would do such a psychotic thing. I am know mentally preparing myself to be a mother of a 8 month old baby girl named Isabella, I'm being released in the afternoon around 2 I believe right know it's only 8 am. Im meeting my child around 12 she getting a checkup here because she was born a bit early and the doctor gave me the okay to go well tag along . I really hope she loves me as much as I already love her. I know your probably saying of course she will love you your her mother. Well I've been in a coma for eight months and What if we don't grow a bond. I just want to be the best mom ever. My mom might not have been there for some of my life because of her death but what I can remember she will always be the best mother ever. Her advice will always stay in my head to "Grow Wise and stay true"

Ring ring the hospital phone rang

" Hello" I said

"Hi Ms. Davis your visitors are here so Nurse Melinda will be bringing you over to section where all the baby are to see your daughter" the lady said over the phone.

" Okay" I responded simply where did all the time was I really stuck in my thoughts and feelings for almost 5 hours. I heard a knock at my door

" Okay are you ready to go see your daughter" Nurse Melinda said I really like this nurse because she really helped me by telling me everything that happened to my family.

I nodded in response as I finished fixing my hair and outfit. I was just wearing track pants and a sweater. As I walked out of my hospital room the atmosphere just fell silent as I looked around at where I was. I was in intensive care but know I'm fine just sometimes have headaches but the doctor said it will be gone by next week.

" Okay go on right in " Nurse Melinda said as she left.

" hi honey you must be Naomi " some lady said

" Yeah " I said forcing myself to smile I just want too see my baby girl.

" Hi I'm Mrs. Cave And well I'm from the foundation that you will be staying at with your daughter, I have been taking care of your daughter for you and let me just say she has the most beautiful eyes " the lady said

" I guess she most have got my eyes then and thank you so much for taking care of Isabella" I said chuckling

" Your welcome honey her eyes they change colours sometimes but there mostly grey and when she around you they would turn green " She stated

" Ohh wow can I see her " I asked well it's my child I don't really know why I'm asking I thought

" Yeah she in her Car seat " she said pointing to the car seat.

I walked over to the car seat and pulled back the good to see a sleeping baby. She looked mixed which is very expected because Dave is white and I look fully black with a puffy long hair. She so beautiful even when she sleeping. I don't want to wake her but her appointment is in five minutes. So I unstrapped her and picked her up as she immediately attached her little head to my shoulder. So I sat down in the chair as she sleeping in my arms. Isabella was so beautiful. She slowly started waking up, she was turning her head a lot as she woke up. When she raised her head and looked into my eyes, I saw her eyes turn from a beautiful grey to green just as I know my eyes changed to. In some way we are already connected she is my child and I am her mother she might not have a dad but guess what I can show her how to be a real women. That is accepting of Who you are and never judges a book by its cover. A women that will "Grow Wise and stay true " especially to herself

How did you feel about Trey Point Of View and why do you feel that way about Trey Point Of View?


I'm just letting you know that I'm not updating until I get at least five comments referring to that question.

Have a great day 😉

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