Chapter 1

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Nina P.O.V

"Nina my tummy hurts" my seven years old sister Brooklyn whispered said awakening from her sleep she been having a lot of tummy aches lately.

"Okay do you want me to rub your tummy" I whispered back as I looked over at the time it was twelve pm.

"Yes" Brooklyn answered in a very loud voice.

Just then I heard the footsteps that were made by the monster he makes my body cringe. The footsteps of a man I call father. The footsteps of my abuser. He coming I thought I know my little sister is scared actually is terrified of him always have been always will be. She was terrified as the man she supposedly should call father walked in the room. He looked at Brooklyn then at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw fear full eyes .My father walk over to our bed. He grabbed Brooklyn by her arm and dragged her out of the bed she, started wailing her arms to get out of his grip. My father quickly drew his belt out of his pants and I heard a WHIP he whipped her across her leg she screamed.

He said " DIDN'T I TEll YOU TO SHUT UP AND GO TO BED" in a very angry and aggravated voice as he whipped Brooklyn again and again. You see we we're suppose to be asleep about 30 minutes ago and my dad here hates when we don't obey him. Even if that means sending my little sister to bed with a tummy ache while she in tears the reason she in pain is because he had punched her in the stomach for tripping over his beer bottle. he doesn't care if your in pain he will just cause more.

I got up to protect my little sister .Brooklyn looked at me then said " He gonna beat you!". Your probably wondering why my own little sister is telling me not to protect her you see the pain our father is going to convict on me is way worse then what Brooklyn is receiving as punishment right Now, I didn't care I have to protect Her.

I look at my father Dave and said "DONT TOUCH HER DAVE she only seven she doesn't know any better and she has a tummy ache" I saw rage In his heartless eyes they have always been filled with anger and hatred for as long as I could remember.

He grabbed me bye my shirt and lifted me up and looked into my fearful eyes and said " DID YOU JUST CALL ME DAVE AND TELL ME WHAT THE F*CK TO DO B***h?.

Then he slapped me and dropped me back onto the ground like a peice of trash I looked back and saw my little sister on the bed with her knees at her chest protecting herself.My body was Numb with fear.

"Answer me you little girl" Dave said as he whipped me with his leather belt.

As he took out all of his anger on me. I was screaming the whole time. He started to grab at my clothes he took of my pj's while I cried silently. I don't want it to happen again it hurt so bad when he puts his finger in me I thought. What did I ever do I'm thirteen. I do everything for him I cook, clean, and raise my sister like my mother raised me to Grow Wise and stay true. I'm a model student and I'm on honour roll. I was taken out of my thought as my father started caressing my body. I froze I felt as if the world stop moving well in my world it surely did as tears blurred my vision and rapidly started pouring down my face. He slapped me for crying and told me I should like him touching me that I wanted it, I deserved it, and it was all my fault. I guess he right I thought and even I'f I told anyone they probably wouldn't believe me who would on the outside my father looks like an amazing man trying to raise two girls on his own he struggles day to day to cope with lose of his love of his life and only son. On the inside it just not as what you perceived.

" Naomi come touch my dick".he said I was to scared so I turned my head and whipped my tears away. My body was still NUMB with fear.

"COME HERE" he said angered

" No please don't make me do it " I said as he grabbed my arm and put me on the bed as my sister looked at my naked body. He put me right across from him he took my hand and put it on his penis. My hand was shaking to much so I wasn't doing what Dave wanted me to do.

That was to give him pleasure. I might have the body of a twenty year old but I'm only thirteen. He has yet to realize that I can't fulfill his every need. I'm incapable of doing all of his sexual deeds I'm only thirteen help me please.

Comment and vote at please before I update😀

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