Chp2: Special Good-Bye

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~Leon's POV~

Violetta and I walk to a corner to have our special good-bye.

Leon: Listen Vilu, I'm gonna miss you with all my heart. You have my number, so text me as soon as you-...... ~I was cut off by Vilu hugging me~
Vilu: I'm gonna miss you too. I have your number, and I'll text you everyday. Listen, I talked to my dad, and he said I might be gone for a REALLY LONG TIME........... ~ She said stretching her words at the end, also pulling away from the hug as she said the end part~
Leon: May I ask how long? ~I asked curious, yet nervous for her answer~
Vilu: Uhhhhhhhh......... I....... I'm gonna be....... Be away for about 10 years...... ~She struggled to get the words out~
Leon: Wow...... Uh..... So, you will come back when you sixteen?
Vilu: Wait........ ~Few seconds of REALLY HARD concentration of math~ Yeah, when I'm sixteen.
Leon: Wow, I can't believe what a great math genius you are..~ I said with sarcasm~
Vilu: I'm still gonna miss you. I promise you I'll come back, I will.~Akward silence~
Leon: I'm gonna miss you too.~ I said pulling her into a non breathable, tight hug~

Just then Vilu's dad called her from the security gate. For an old man he sure was no time waster.

German: Vilu, it's time to go. Bye Leon! Bye Kate! (Leon's mom)~He shouted~

Vilu just walked away straight away after the hug. When Vilu and her dad were threw the security gates, she glanced back one time with tears in her eyes, at me. She then continued walking. She probably also see me cry into my mother's arm. Which also made me realise something important, something so important that I needed to ask my dad for help. I'm a REAL MOMAS BOY!

Vilu's POV:

I passed threw security, and I glanced back one time at Leon. He was full on crying in his mother's arms. He is a real momas boy! I was crying too. I hope he doesn't move away when I'm in New York when I come back, or that we lose contact. STOP IT VIOLETTA! I NEED TO STAY STRONG FOR LEON'S SAKE, AND FOR MINE. But, I still cried. I hope we meet in person, again.......

Second chapter..... I still think I'm writing too short..... Anyway, what do you think? Will they see each other again? The next few chapters might be Leon/ Vilu's life at certain ages and how they've changed and what's going on in their life. {Until then, Suspense!} I think that might be my catchphrase at the end of each chapter. Also thinking of just adding emoti cons for a title picture. Mostly, it's gonna be Leon's POV, but sometimes it might be other people's POV. Also, tell me if my catchphrase is stupid???? If I get good comments on my catchphrase, I'll use it in my third chapter.

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